Hello people
joesmoe2012 recently contacted me and this reminds me I had a project lying over here. I thought it would die because the new forum software was coming but it looks like it's not there yet.
I don't know if there are still people using BT++ but I have some spare time that I can use to fix/improve it if some users are interested
(Oh, and I know javascript/html/dom now, that might help)
I am interested. This is actually my first time seeing this thread after being here for so long. I will definitely use it. The new forums software is still in public testing phrase and we do not know when will it fully replace SMF. Keep this project going.
Just download it and run it
The info in OP should be enough, if not post your problem
Hello people
joesmoe2012 recently contacted me and this reminds me I had a project lying over here. I thought it would die because the new forum software was coming but it looks like it's not there yet.
I don't know if there are still people using BT++ but I have some spare time that I can use to fix/improve it if some users are interested
(Oh, and I know javascript/html/dom now, that might help)
I use it heavily and still would like a good fix for my username.
joesmoe2012 needs to change the VPS that (freely) hosts BT++, so the priority is copying the files and being sure nothing is broken
Then I'll fix things
I thought you died. Where the hell have you been? I stopped using it because I thought it had stopped being supported.
Nope, still alive! Studies kept me from lurking here but I should be able to have more time now
So you can use it again, and as I mentioned just above in the mean time I practiced my web development abilities so I'll be able to make nicer things
For new users, the token for BT++ password recovery can now be either in signature or anywhere else in your profile (signature, location, website)
I saw somewhere that people with paid signatures couldn't ask their password because the token had to be in the signature