I'm not sure highlighting posts, even good posts is something that people not on the forum would watch, and I'm not even sure if the users here would watch it after the novelty of it dissipates. The best route would be following the status quo to some extent, that has proven to be successful, but applying that to the forum, is something I'm finding difficulty in doing.
I know there's been users voicing their concerns recently about the decline of active users on the forum, and Youtube could be a behemoth of a marketing campaign if its done right.
If we take a look at Youtube, and the most popular formats:
- MrBeast style over the top videos, throwing ludicrous money around.
- Podcasts; Potentially having different guests on from various different backgrounds on the forum could potentially be successful if the right candidates are selected. However, I believe anonymous nature of the forum would probably be a barrier to this idea.
- A show like DramaAlert on Youtube, but focused on the Bitcoin industry. Probably, wouldn't work out as well due to the nature of Youtube infulencers compared to the people involved in Bitcoin.
- Debates; as long as they are kept civilized, and moderated to some degree i.e not censoring the guests, but guiding them to specific topics I think it could work out pretty well, and could be combined with the podcast/interview ideas.
- Documentaries; This doesn't even particularly need to be shot physically, but could be a voiceover with a lot of editing, which is a pretty popular format on Youtube for things that aren't related to Bitcoin.
- Conspiracies related to Bitcoin; if you want to go down that rabbit hole that is, and have the mind for it.
Other ideas not particularly popular on Youtube:
- Bitcoin courses; if it could be tied in some way to the idea of Bitcoin courses mentioned here by theymos. That would be interesting, and might just kill two birds with one stone.
- Liaising with Bitcoin developers, and getting them to do a developer diary could be of interest.
- Highlighting substantial posts here on the forum, however I'm not convinced in the long run the appeal will be there to retain an audience for this type of content.