And boy oh boy, the longer I'm a member here, the more OG I get--even though I was about six years late to the party. Most of the real OG members are long gone, presumably basking under the sunshine on their private islands they bought with bitcoin they mined or bought when it was worth pennies. At least that's the impression I've always had. This forum rocks, even with all of the garbage shitposters still present (hopefully that last part isn't what drove the old-timers away).
I’ve been here in the forum for almost 8 years, but I’m still not sure if I should be thankful or whatever for discovering Bitcointalk because I think Bitcointalk is one of the reasons why users, including myself, get addicted to online casinos. Sorry for considering Bitcointalk as one of the reasons why some users here get addicted to online casinos because that’s really what I see. For sure, some will disagree with my post, but I respect your opinion anyway.