It is a random dataset of around 2^70 addresses
Wait until April 1, then by all means
just add them line by line in a .txt file
Edit:Because of
The files are not yet created due to the lack of knowledge on how to create a dataset that would work with tools such as bitCrack, etc... this even possible?
I just realised that maybe you're actually serious, in which case I'm sorry to predict that the answer is
no, most likely for several years.
You'll not even be able to "create the files":
- Even if you somehow could create and store addresses
as fast as the combined mining community can try hashes 2023 you'd have to wait 10000+ years.
- Then there's the matter of storage. Luckily,
Seagate expects to start selling 50TB hard drives in 2026, but you'd still need around 500 million of them.
Yeah, I think people underestimate how large 2^69 is...
For Robert_BIT
But to help further the example and to give you concrete evidence:
Loading : 100 %
Loaded : 55,246,870 Bitcoin xpoints
Those are xpoints which will be a little larger (file wise) than addresses. But for 55,246,870 xpoints, that file size in BINARY, is 1.72GB. In regular text format, the file size is 3.5GB.
Now, the other thing to consider if one is creating addresses, you will have to save, at the minimum, the private key and the address, or else one would not know how to map back to the address. You can create a starting point and do sequential keys which then you would only need to keep your starting point (private key).
But for the example above: 2^69 / 55,246,870 = 10,684,692,370,060; now take that and multiply by 1.72GB = 18,377,670,876,503GB, double all numbers for 2^70. That's a lot of GBs
You could probably trim some data and add in a hash table, maybe save some GB needed, but then you would need to create or mod an existing program to search via a hashtable. Doing that is doable, but then you would have to chunk the addresses in order to search for them. No way you could store 2^69 addresses in memory or hash table, and search for them. The 55,246,870 eats up around 1200MB of RAM in my program.