I also made a non random scanner https://32btcbrute.grantrocks.repl.co to scan for specified btc puzzles. this one is quite fast and allows you to customize where to search.
im hoping to use a lib like gpu.js in the future to greatly speed up the tool. However i have no idea how to do this and it will take me a while to figure out.
in your search scripts, you have mistakes, by mistake or you know why ?
value="0x20000000000000000:0x3ffffffffffffffff:D7F207850C19B7B763B10D0A1AB049CF466B8FAE">Puzzle #66
value="0x40000000000000000:0x7ffffffffffffffff:739437BB3DD6D1983E66629C5F08C70E52769371">Puzzle #67
for puzzle 66, you mention hash160 for search is about pre define privatekey is for 0x20000000000000000
for puzzle 67, hash160, OK, but have lot of other mistakes inside your scripts, so dont try to waste time your self and others
correct all mistakes and get proved by testing professionals, and then launch your subject