Dont forget to say "you can lose lots of bitcoins" as well because it is gambling, most gamblers are losing their money except those lucky players. To get 1 bitcoin from gambling is hard thing to do especially if we only have small bankroll but it maybe easy for those who have huge bankroll.
Sorry to say, but your post is not really good way to attract users IMO.
You can lose lots of bitcoins! Is it a new slogan for gambling site? Do you think it attracts more players?
I do not think that panjul is saying about slogan, he said that gamblers can't really get their profit everytime, some time they can even suffer big loss too. This is why you need bigger bankroll to get 1 btc profit or may be 1 btc as your bankroll to get your profit. And btw it is not a slogan that really attract people but it is about their design, ui and their support team