We've been working with Bit-Pay for a BTC exclusive order form. This is meant to both promote the good services of Bit-Pay and give dedicated miners a bit of an advantage in getting in position. We'll have that posted later tonight. Alternate payment methods of Dwolla and BankWire will come shortly thereafter.
Please help... We're respectful of the significance of order position, but we can't think of any good way to organize it other than opening it up to orders and letting it go as it may.
Another alternative is to go odd / even. Odd being consecutive down the priority list and even being a random selection from orders that month.
Any thoughts on this?
One thought. It's kinda cool that you asked for such feedback.
To address the issue:
# Since BFL will allow trade-ins to remain in miners possession (for mining) upto the time the ASIC products are ready to ship, there shouldn't be any complaints. There's no reason to penalize the people that did not buy BFL stuff simply because they were reasonably skeptical of this new company. And it's not like the ASIC hardware will saturate the network by the end of the year.
# Randomizing deliveries per month doesn't seem the right path. People like orderliness more than randomness when they have to wait. What would you prefer, knowing for sure your plane will be late or knowing it has a 50/50 chance of being late?
My opinion is it is simple & reasonable to do first-come first-serve on the orders. No drama should neccessarily develop - imo.
The difference between receiving a few SC Singles a week before everyone else could equate to thousands of dollars. The difference in receiving a 1TH/s machine, tens of thousands. And the network will be saturated very quickly, considering it would only take 12 of the 1TH/s minirigs to double the difficulty.
That's why people are clamoring to be the first in line. I am too.
If they open pre-orders, they should do so at a set date and time. I don't want to miss out just because I'm sleeping in my timezone while other people are awake.