Guys... there were a lot of people that wrote how many bitcoins they lost at weexchange. I once suggested posting the deposit addresses everyone had at weexchange. I wanted to see if the bitcoins are still in there or when they moved.
Shortly after i suggested that ukyo wrote me something like "like you saw... the coins are gone" which means to me the coins arent at the deposit addresses and in the wallet anymore. It can be an important clue to know where they went.
When seizing is involved i would await the coins are collected in one place/address. Its different from a normal bank account. Government could hide everything there but the blockchain is publicly visible. Which might give us a hint what happened.
So please post your deposit addresses you had at weexchange, maybe we find out how the coins flew...
I will start here. My deposit address was: 1P7tdTzWhpYoV87L4v4gZwhd6mAnT7fiD4
The address is empty now.
Even though i see appear there... i never used that website. I believe what happened is that this website is sending one satoshi to used addresses because is posting the name of the website then which means advertising for the domain name. So its pretty sure neither iam nor ukyo used the domain in connection with my deposit address.
Ok, when i see what happened with my last deposited bitcoins, around 158
BTC, then they were sent to 1KMmWYbWHQjBZY14hXENGXeb5aMyoQynvg and a small part to 1BDtP3xdCQ1Zj1wJDxLPu8mf1uvuspQ3BU
I believe what happened was that ukyo paid out a withdraw request from a weexchange user. The small transaction was a withdraw to a user wallet and the big transactions target is a change address in the weexchange wallet.
Weexchange change addresses then are for example: The big
BTC-part was sent then from 1KMmWYbWHQjBZY14hXENGXeb5aMyoQynvg is sent to 1BYrnppD62tj2cn1HD32iD6Bv2t9sTESYH, then to 12Nz2KmzVfnsrCK7HVYzw4LLYp4iQtqU4P, then to 115vYRHjw9uCnXoecs6VzigubMUhmMfcfE, then to 17pgZ4mCRsTwW6D5kHEg92eQM2V9JAUHBS, then to 1GtPbfmp75HvJ2N6r4uRtBozZa3bjJofvw, to 12VTYbiXoRiVKXNyNvrqtAgkAFZewFPAw1, to 1EZmoUo4YorRnNnnyDewHsdBREr6YnMnvm, to 17hPi868CsyvjWHtXjY7NnNbS6QTaDz4FN, to 1Q5JYuxQK5ZmjyAP1CJEJUPU8wUHXByvK3, to 1JxME3VtA9Q4quZHqQFwA6qKdSP1rtVviQ, to 1D2MKZtPs5xZC9cY4fch8msP838KnVgXK9
and and and...
Till there only 6 hours were gone. Every transactions was done like sending the big part to an address and a smaller part. A weexchange change address and a weexchange users address. The last transaction where i can say that its most probably my coin that was sent to a change address of weexchange is here: from octobre the 27th. After that i cant say if it went to a weex user or a weex change address.
So the coins from my deposit were paid out to weexchange users most probably completely.
At least it does not look like the coins were sent to a single address that might be controlled by government. At least not till octobre 27th, 2013.
I hope we can find some interesting things from other users addresses.Maybe someone has later deposits where ukyo didnt have the time to use the funds to pay withdraws from weexchange users with. So that it is in the timeframe of "manual withdraws" and the "incident".
Lets see if we find something!
We should investigate this.