Gavin didn't expect and wish for so much attention and expectations before the announcement, though..
The "deadline" given here was meant differently than it is now made of, I feel..
I guess the original point stands, just slightly from a different angle: everybody thought it was going to be something actually important, then Gavin came up with an announcement nobody actually cares about. People did feel let down but nobody really wanted to be the one breaking this news to him/them.
So...careful with hype, it builds easy and blows up in your face even easier. This is thE IMTERMET!
The difference here is that no one knew what Gavins announcement all know what this is.
In retrospect, me leaking this in a 3am IRC chat should not have caused this big of a hype. This project could take 4 weeks, or 4 months and there are alot of factors that go into this.
Most of you don't know what goes into creating and issuing your own card, its not easy for any company. Now imagine being in an industry where we have to convince everyone who needs to be involved that we are not the enemy, we are not money launderers or terrorists and we are responsible enough to take on this project.
You need permission from banks, card issuers, card makers, program managers, regulatory bodies, ect.
We are working thru it all, and most of the work is done as Erik has said.
Posting in this thread and coming up with opinions and ideas are stupid and just distract us from the real work we need to do.
We have posted many updates, always been transparent, never scammed anyone, and always have done what we say we will do.
Since this original announcement our team has doubled, budget doubled, operations grew, new relationships made and projects launched. This is not the only one.
Everyone on the preorder signup list will continue to get updates, this forum won't be the first spot when updates are posted.
So months later after the announcement...still no bitinstant paycard?
Sounds like BFL...only difference is you didn't take preorders. Just hype and more bullshit.
If you really believe that it is a good/needed business maybe you should develop it yourself.