I also see great value in the fact that I now can show friends that I can spend my bitcoin easily. I show them my android wallet, transfer some coins to the card and pay for drinks. Helps promote bitcoin more.
You can already do this with the okpay card (already available and deployed since a while).
Also an 'small' merchant can just order one of these cards and use the QR code so he can accept bitcoin as a payment. Funds transfer straight to USD so it is a very cheap point-of-sails system
I don't understand that: how would this "little merchant" be notified in real time of the funding? He should wait for a notification from bitpay etc, while if the merchant would use one of the multiple android applications he would have the (0-times) confirmation in real time. He could then convert them to $ only when/if needed, being it a small merchant by hypothesis.
But apart from that, I didn't know that conversion from btc to usd was done on the time of transfer (at what stage? Waiting for how many confirmations?), I would have preferred it would be done only during the effective payment.
In this way I can put for example 100 btc on the card and convert them only when purchasing, i.e., potentially during a span of days/weeks/months.
Also, apart from the 0.99% fee, what quotation is used to do the conversion? 24h average of mtgox?