question - in this block chain I've observed that block are not being generated at the advertised rate.
There is no such thing as an "advertised rate".
Block: 42105, Target: 69.91 GH/s, Hashrate: 9.81, 9.30, 9.27 GH/s, Performance: 20.41%
Diff: 1953.27040885, next: ~488 (confidence 47%) - Last Retarget: 56.33 hrs ago, change in 375 blocks (~61.25 hrs)
Expect to see blocks on average every 10 minutes for now, until either difficulty changes in 2-3 days, or hashrate increases back up to the target.
so this in the OP in not true?
Coin Specs
Algorithm: Scrypt
Block Reward: 20 BTM (visual)
Block Time: 120 Seconds
Block Maturity: 720 Blocks (~1 day) to discourage multipools
Block Halving: Reward halves every 3 years, with intermediate decrease every 18 months (20 coins initially, 15 after 1.5 years, 10 after 3 years, etc...)
Difficulty Retargeting: 720 Blocks (~1 day)
Total Coin Supply: ~27.58 million (27,579,894.73108000 exactly)
The OP is accurate, please let me explain how this part of mining crypto currencies works.
Every 720 blocks, the network calculates the speed at which new blocks had been found, and then calculates the effective hashrate needed to find a new block at the target time of 120 seconds.
For the last round of mining, the network averaged at 69.91 GH/s which entailed a new network difficulty of 1953.27040885.
The difficulty therefore determines production speed, if the network remains at the average of 69GH/s blocks will be found every 120 seconds.
Since the difficulty change network hashrate has lowered, so blocks are now being found slower than the target speed of 120 seconds. If the hashrate was higher than 120 seconds then blocks would be found faster than 120 seconds on average.
The difficulty will fall in 2-3 days (unless the network speeds up), at which point blocks will be easier to find, and most likely the hashrate will increase massively as miners notoriously use profitability calculations which do not make any sense. So when the difficulty drops you can expect to see the hash rate increase, perhaps up to peaks of 200GH/s like last time.
For now blocks are being found much slower, 5x slower, than would be most optimal. If you would like to see this speed increase, encourage miners to mine more consistently.
Mining is not a free money printing machine, it is a service, when the network is slower less blocks are found, and therefore less currency created per day.
Satoshi Nakamoto
If he is a member of the team he has not made it known to us, I can confirm that neither main developer is Satoshi, but we have both studied his words intensively and merged his thinking with that of other thought leaders. People like Satoshi are our peers.
Yes, this is what I meant. I feel like BTM is a continuation of Satoshi's work. It's in line with his ideas as outlined in his original Bitcoin whitepaper. Bitcoin is getting more and more mainstream adoption, it's only logicial for step two; the consolidation of Bitcoin's blockchain technology and connected services and by doing so enhancing people's lives.
I wish you guys all the best, I've been silently following this thread (and your other sources) for a while now and I really dig what you are doing.
Thank you very much, we hope to hear more from you as time progresses