So, it took you a month to find out it was a bug. Weeks of ignoring my issue, weeks of not providing a solution or an explanation, weeks of using this ad network for 1K satoshi a day. This is a SCAM, not just "scheme of a BTC giveaway" is scam, a SCAM is any kind of service who's supposed to pay or offer any kind of reward, who attract users by faking stats (this BUG is the only reason I keept using your service so long), a service that claims to pay an amount, but in reallity it pays way lower (like it happens with your crap rates), and the list goes on.
You said, I quote:
"Your total earnings with BitMedia is 0.9865 B"
My total earnings are actually 0.000986 BTC (few satoshi missing to be able to withdraw my funds, but I don't care about them, keep my earnings for yourself, I won't ever place your banners again, not even to be able to withdraw), you missed 3x zeros (or you have another BUG and you see other stats?!), as you may see here: you tell us that all publishers total earnings are the amount you mentioned, guess what, there are faucets which paid way over this amount (even if sometimes they have to pay from their pockets, because of such "ad networks" like yours), from an ad network, way more is expected, but still, maybe this service is new, even so, 1 BTC split at (I guess) hundreds of publishers (most of them with incentive websites where they actually pay their users), gives... coffe money, yay, such a goose... congratulations!
Let me tell you something, keep up the way you work and enjoy the time it lasts, if you don't change your support, pay rates or those s*tty ways to attract users by all kind of "bugs" you miss for months, your website won't last too long.