my past couple posts were going off to a tangent of a country wide ISP avoidance.. so lets simplify it.
yes im continuing on about payment side of internet access. but because its local im not worrying about payment protocols as its easier to manage bitcoins with not many non-direct internet hops locally
imagine in a town
5 people had the internet(blue circles) and were willing to open their wifi internet connection to random people and
relays(red circles) to make a whole town WIFI accessible
each WIFI connection, instead of a 'computer name' it was a bitcoin address and a price per hour
connct to:
other users phone/ipad/device computer would have their device name set as their bitcoin address, so that the wifi connection would know who was connected and paid to use the connection. and blocking connections that did not pay. simply by comparing received transactions vs connected pc's
Scenario 1 meshnet owns all the
relays those with internet worked out on average their internet bill was ~$30 a month and
1 meshnet connection was made to
him, so he charged meshnet $50 a month, same goes for the other
4 peoplebecause meshnet owns all relays they have a combined cost of $150 to all
5 internet connections,
Scenario 2 random people own the
relaysthose with internet worked out on average their internet bill was ~$30 a month and
1 relay connection was made to
him, costing that
relay $50 a month. the relay had an average of 3 other
relays connected to them so the first relay could divide the $50(and profit) charging $27 for each of the 3 connecting relays($81 combined). those connected relays would have 3 other relays so dividing and profiting, theyd charge $15 each ($45 combined).
so by the time it got to the centre of town (based on image above) the 'cost' to run the relay would be under $10 a month. but due to connections, the signal would be weak. meaning (and being fair) the closer the network is to a true internet connection, the more average joe walking along the street would pay.
now imagine 5000 residents in their homes or wondering the streets wanted to use the internet
scenario 1= 3 cents a month per user because the costs are divided down ($150/5000) so meshnet could be greedy and charge $1 a month per user. ($5000/$150=$4850 profit)
scenario 2= those relays closest the
internet connection have their costs met by the other relays, so if the town agreed on $1 a month per user for high speed, that is pure profit and its offering priority high speed. the relays at the centre paying $10 internet. and have low speed due to distance and amount of relaying, may only charge an agreed 50c a month per user.
which if each relays coverage was 250 users the one closest to the internet connection would get $250 a month (greedy Bstard
) and the one at the centre would only get $115 ($125 income-$10 relay fee). and the ones inbetween would vary depending on distance.
making scenario 2 where the fee/profit ratio is linked to distance away from the internet. and scenario 1 is a set fee no matter where
pre-empting rebuttles
.. yes i know the
relays are making more then the
homes with true internet but for now im pointing out that for atmost $1 a month users could have a wifi connection anywhere in town
.. yes i know the IP limitations of routers (im theorizing, no need to knit pick its just an example)
.. yes i know i used dollars instead of bitcoins. but the dollar amounts were not important, just used for easy math purposes
.. yes i know the system would work better with average users were getting better internet speeds if 5000 were not just sharing 5 connections, but instead 50,100 or more
.. and yes i know the profit margin of the relays would be less greedy for the same $1 user value with more internet connections, but im trying to keep it simple
so which would you prefer
scenario 1A. set fee paid to one entity no matter the signal strength (distance from the true internet connection)
scenario 1B. varying fee paid to one entity dependent on signal strength.
scenario 2A. set fee paid to random relay owner no matter the signal strength (distance from the true internet connection)
scenario 2B. varying fee paid to random relay owner dependent on signal strength.
or if none of the above, how would you monetize the project