Noone speaking about "Minion powered at 0.6V and the efficiency is 0.5W/ghash at the wall @ 50 Gh/s"
When will we see this result on an X1 or X3
X1 working at this state could be the one low hashrate capable to run standalone in high efficiency
On X3 could be the only way for ppl who order a large amount of HW to handle compensation ( total power draw problmes )
Why work on X2, when few lines of code (+ few hours of 1 person ) can solve this givin you (very) little better immage @ cost near zero
Lets do a little math here, 0.5W/Gh/s @ 50Gh/s = 1.2W/Gh/s @ 120Gh/s.
Ok, let's do some math (let's assume 5w x control board, we will not consider HW cost cause is the same in both cases) :
0.5 @ 50 + 5 = 30W total power draw = 0.720KWh daily @ 0.2 $/Kwh = OPERATIVE COST 0.144 $ --- BTC mined @ current diff 0.001495 = 0,9269 $/day
1 w/Gh/s (not 1,2 !!!) @120 Gh/s = 120 W and let's include control board = 2.88KWh @ 0.2 = 0.576$ --- BTC mined = 0.003588 = 2,2245 $/day
You can make 0.78$ day spending 0,144$ or 1.65$ day spending 0.576$. Both are resonable but I prefer first option cause difficulty break even is much more far, as well as the probability of smaller adjustments.
Not to mention the fact that for someone who bought some X3 could be happy to comsume much more than half + probably not need A/C cooling.