Looking forward to hear more on this project.
Any idea on prototype ETA? - some already have talked about various prototypes in the works?
The key is the transparency imho - is there a REAL product, and are they consistent in quality? Does it verifiably beat forthcoming 8750 and 8790 in measurements of performance and power usage?
The team is just now being cemented while I get our home base in order, so no ETA yet but hopefully soon. This is pretty much day 1
And I agree, which is why BlockBurner will be a community driven company. Much like Local Motors (the community engineered Ralley Fighter car), the idea is to crowd source a design for a production device and utilizing open source solutions whenever possible. My position in it is overall project management and business logistics, organizing funding campaigns, design, and handling final production and distribution in house. Everything will be made transparent as to company operations and finances.
Bitcoin is a community built protocol, I think businesses around it should be built the same way. If this is the future of currency, then we must create the future of business to support it. The community spirit is the most pervasive element of the protocol. The response I am seeing here is evidence of that.
This is why I have no wish to simply fish for people willing to submit their money to a pre-order and hope for the best like other companies. A properly crowd-funded campaign is the better way to go for a bootstrap industry, so that is the approach I am going to take. BlockBurner has nothing to hide. Funds will only be delivered when a known point is reached that should suffice to fund that stage of development. This keeps expectations in check, and clarity to the process. Unlike BFL there will be constant updates and publicly accessible accounting so you know where your money is going. There will be a way to opt out as well if you change your mind, though refunds can only be done so long as those funds are not invested toward the goal. Until goals are reached, BlockBurner will take possession of nothing, safe in escrow until then and not before. The dev team will be compensated for their good work at project completion, in a way that is decided as fair, likely a reserved front row stake in a Batch 1 device.
Nothing is wrong with crowd funded efforts, but these companies are doing it wrong. I want to fly right by the community with transparency so I never see "is BlockBurner a scam?" pop up here someday. There is no trust being developed by these companies by being dodgy, not a good way for a business to start out with a cloud of doubt over it.
The response here is awesome guys, I have been working on getting things set up on my end non stop, I will do my best not to disappoint you.
All devs interested in this project are welcome to PM me, I am getting things organized and we will break things up into separate focus groups soon and start talking about the logistics.
To the devs I have talked to so far, thank you again for your interest, you will be hearing from me soon as I get the BlockBurner site forums up over the next day or so. I am going to also try an integrate a project management system.
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