I think I spotted quite a serious error at blockchain.info (and two smaller unrelated issues):
First, a Just-Dice customer was asking why his withdrawal hadn't confirmed after several hours, despite having a suitable transaction fee included. The txid is b1d48276ed55db3be5c38d4939eff11e5669ec41293e06851bc92162c1b64af3.
It turns out it has confirmed, but blockchain.info says it hasn't.
Compare these two views of the same block:
https://blockchain.info/block-index/446114/000000000000000262212b3e353b505b61a5c8ac9db3bc2696b8b833ff8b7573The block hash is the same, but they are very different.
blockexplorer says the block has:
Transactions?: 748
Size?: 340.818 kilobytes
which blockchain.info says:
Number Of Transactions 306
Size 103.2861328125 KB
What's going on here?
https://i.imgur.com/DRyldFf.png and
https://i.imgur.com/VRIalgR.png show the differences, in case they change before you see this...
Edit2: even worse, an output of the transaction which is confirmed but which blockchain.info thinks isn't has been spent in a confirmed transaction, resulting in this mess (note the red 'u' on one of the inputs):
A 2nd, unrelated issue, from the same customer:
He sent
https://blockchain.info/tx/a65caee9f5b07cebfa030c83a14124e93407847c43eb901959fc7b5f94d3205d using the blockchain.info wallet. It's over 2kB, but has only 0.0001 BTC in fees. Shouldn't it have 0.0001 BTC per kB or part thereof? The blockchain.info transaction view (before it was confirmed) said that the fee was too small, so it knows how much the fee should be, but it doesn't pay it. Why not?
A 3rd issue, that I often hear from customers, is that quite often when they withdraw, the unconfirmed transaction doesn't show up in their blockchain.info wallet. It shows up in every bitcoin-qt wallet - I can "getrawtransaction" on it, and see that it has propagated all over the place, but it doesn't show up when I search for it on blockchain.info. If I wait for the transaction to confirm, then it shows up on blockchain.info, and if the customer is really impatient, I can "getrawtransaction" on any bitcoin-qt node and paste the output into
https://blockchain.info/pushtx - and then it shows up as an unconfirmed transaction. This problem pops up every few days for me, where blockchain.info fails to notice unconfirmed transactions that are flying around the network.