Full blocks are no big deal - just increase the fee to a reasonable level and your transaction should go through no problem.
Sorry i can't let these statements stand this way.
Just increase the fee and your transaction goes through. But don't you realize that this means that at the end of the line legit users, who paid legit fees, will be pushed out and never implemented too at one point in time? The higher the amount of transactions that want to be included the higher the fee. And that means you sending a transaction will never be sure that you added enough fee. All the others might have thought that a higher fee is needed already. And you are out.
Surely that is very bad for bitcoin. Imagine using your bank, doing a bank wire and then you have to wait three days. Only then you know if your transaction went through or not. That is a plain stupid payment system and users will run away in masses.
Well... it would solve the problem, less users more space in blocks.
The problem with Bitcoin is that the network has become VERY expensive to maintain and is borderline unprofitable for most miners. As a result, nearly all the mining has been concentrated in China where space and power are cheap.
What are you speaking about? It did not get more expensive in that way, it is too profitable. So that more and more miners want to have their share of the rewards. Some months ago we already had a network that was 100 times more secure than needed. Which means you easily could drop 99% of all mining hashrate and bitcoin still would be secure. And oh wonder, what do you think how rewarding mining would be for the 1%?
It did not get more expensive. Only too many want to play with it. Simple market rules.
By the way... giving out these high rewards make the network a huge mess for power consumption. There was a study some months ago that claimed that one regular bitcoin transaction consumes as much electricity like 1.75 average US households use in one day. 1!!! normal transaction. Bigger transactions eat even more.
Again, this shows we have way way too many miners. And we have too many miners because mining is way too rewarding.
That the one who can produce miners the most cheap has an advantage is clear too.
It is very unrealistic to assume that the price of Bitcoin will just increase arbitrarily to ensure miners stay profitable. That assumes a continuous increase in the number of investors who horde the coin. With prices down from a peak of $1000+ to under $400, many prospective investors got cold feet and it can easily be argued that the long term trend is now down not up. If BTC is used primarily for transactions the price could fall back to $100, or $40, or $5. There is really no floor.
There is no right for miners to stay profitable. What do you think will happen when we pay double the fee now? Simply more miner will find that mining is profitable and they will fill up. Mining is expensive again.
Sorry, higher rewards is no solution at all.