BTC Generator & Parameters BTC
This is where you create orders and update the Ping-Pong Algo. This is the most important tab.
This panel has 2 main panels :
- The PING-PONG Generator Panel
Using this panel you can :
- Create new Ping Orders (GUI will help you choose best price, qty and static/dynamic order type)
- Update the buy/sell pool and let CAT create your pings for you (this is considered an advanced features so you must first fully understand how pool works)
- Check Your Balance/Get Current Market Spread/Get a Suggested Buy/Sell Price
- Check Market Limits : max/min quantity,prices,total and number of digits for the specific market.
Usage Example :
Press the Check Status & Validate Price Button if you want to get :
- Your Primary/Secondary Currency Balances
- The % difference between the Lowest Sell Price & the Highest Buy Price
- A suggestion about the price to start a Sell/Buy Orders (according to the algo parameter you have set).
Create/Add User Ping Orders.
- Choose Type+Price+Quantity+Mode(Static/Dynamic) and press ADD PING ORDER (repeat for each order you want to create)
- Press the CREATE ORDERS button and C.A.T will create new orders.
During Ping-Pong Running
- You can Update All Your Ping-Pong Parameters by pressing the Update Ping-Pong Parameter Button.
- You can add New Ping Orders (Add New Ping Orders Button).
- The PING-PONG Parameters panel, where you can set all the Ping-Pong Algo Parameters attributes.
Panel is composed by few tabs, that lets you modify Ping-Pong algorithm paramers.
When you want to UPDATE the current running Algorithm, you must press the UPDATE CURRENT PING-PONG PARAMETERS
Static Mode
Choose a fixed price for Buy/Sell and C.A.T. will always Buy/Sell at these prices, without any adjustment.
Normal Mode
- Min % Guaranteed Gain. Is the minimal % of GAIN you want guaranteed from C.A.T. after a Buy-Sell/Sell-Buy operation. If this percentage is not guaranteed, C.A.T. will wait. Default Value is Exchange Buy Fees + Sell Fees + 0.1%
- Create Ping Orders Only If Market Spread % Is > X : With this option Checked, C.A.T. will create new Ping Orders (From the Buy/Sell Pool) only if the current % Spread Between best market prices is > X
- Don't create ping with total < Than : After a successfull Ping-Pong the total amount of this order will be put in the "Buy/Sell Pool" and from the "Buy/Sell Pool" new sell/buy orders will be created. With this option activated you will limit the creation of "little orders". If the total in the "Buy/Sell Pool" is < than this parameter, then C.A.T. will wait.
- Always Create Pong Orders From Trade : C.A.T., by default, tries to create your Pong Order on top of the sell/buy book order. If this is not possible (there's no % Gain Guaranteed) C.A.T. will retry later. With this option activated, C.A.T. will calculate the minimum price (TradePrice +/- %GAIN) and will create the order INSIDE the Order Book.
- Avoid Immediate Price Match Order Book : with this option you will never buy/sell directly (your Price directly match an active order). If a Price Match Occurs CAT will recalculate the price adding/subtracting a single market price unit.
- Check To Not Buy/Sell To Yourself : When you have Buy and Sell orders at the same time, after the price calculation, C.A.T. will check to not buy or sell to yourself. BUT in markets with 1 Satoshi difference between best buy/sell price, you must remove this option.
- Try to Stay Alone on Top Orders Book : With this options C.A.T. will always try to create your orders in the best position and alone with others orders
Normal Mode - Filters
When CAT load orders it loads the full order book. Then all calculation will be performed according to the best prices and order values.
If you want to DISCARD some order during MarketOrder API Call you can set 4 discard limits here. 2 For Buy Book and 2 For Sell Book
A Limit could work on QTY (when you want to set a limit for the Market Currency) or on TOTAL (Qty X Price) When you want to set a limit for Partner Currency)
You can press the Preview Button to understand how CAT will remove orders and if you decheck the option "Remove Filtered Orders From Preview" you'll be able to understand the reason about remove action.
Don't Forget that FILTERS is the first action CAT Perform before any other calculation
Normal Mode - Limit Rules
Anytime an order is created, last price statistics are update.
Your order have 2 Attributes : Ping/Pong Type and Buy/Sell Type
CAT actually is able to manage LAST SellPrice/SellPingPrice/SellPongPrice/BuyPrice/BuyPingPrice/BuyPongPrice
So you can create limits according to these values. But you can also create limits using static values.
In this panel you have 2 Editor : one for the static rules and another for the Dynamic rules.
After a rule is added you will be able to read the description in the LIMIT List.
You can now Edit/Remove rules.
To Edit a Rules double click on the rule, then confirm/discard updates by pressing the OK Button or Cancel Button.
Normal Mode - Pong Stop Loss Rules
Very similar in usage as the LIMIT Panel, you can add STOP LOSS RULES for PONG Orders
Stop Loss Rules could be on both sides : "Sell All" and "Buy All".
Rule could be STATIC or DYNAMIC
The Static rule is based on current market price, so the limit will be triggered if the Market Value will match the limit.
The Dynamic rules are based on the % SPREAD between the REFERENCE PRICE (The Ping Trade Price that generate the PONG) and the current market price. Suggestion is to set values < -10% (-15,-20 etc..)
Stop Loss Action will be executed at current matching market price.
Ping Pong Buy/Sell Pool Options
The buy sell pool is the structure where new PING are calculated.
Values are updates in 2 ways
- User Edit The Values
- A Ping-Pong is completed and the Pong trade total value is put inside the Buy/Sell Pool
- Values are usually expressed as
Only the ADDING OPTION (% AND FIX) are expressed as QTY from user side (and converted into PrimaryCurrency by CAT)
- Limit Buy/Sell Pool Max
- Reuse % of total Pong Trade into Buy/Sell Pool : with this option active, only the % of the total (Qty*Price = PrimaryCurrency Value) of a Pong Trade will be reused into the buy/sell Pool.
- Never Create Ping With quantity >/< X : by Default CAT try to use 100% of your total buy/sell pool to create new orders. With this option activated you can limit the total Quantity of a single new ping-order.
- Add %
% QTY calculated for MarketCurrency will be converted to PrimaryCurrency using current Market Values.
- Add FIX
FIX QTY calculated for MarketCurrency will be converted to PrimaryCurrency using current Market Values.
- Stop Ping Creation If Sell Value Is > : You can decide to Stop the Ping Order Creation if the Current Best Sell Value is too high. C.A.T. will restart Ping Order Creation if the Best Sell value returns to lower than your specified parameter.
- Stop Ping Creation If Buy Value Is < : You can decide to Stop the Ping Order Creation if the Current Best Buy Value if too low. C.A.T. will restart Ping Order Creation when the Best Buy value returns to higher than your specified parameter.
- Stop Ping Creation after X Ping-Pong Completed : when number of ping-pong completed will reach X, ping creation will be stoppe.
- Stop Ping Creation if Number of Active Orders > X : if the number of your active orders on that market is > X then ping creation will be stopped.
- Stop Ping Creation if Total Orders Amount is > X : If total sum of orders amount (qty x price) will be > X ping creation will be stopped.
- Set Pool Value Amount to 0 if current amount is < X : This option is used to clear the market pool if value inside is too small. This option is set by default with Total Min Market Amount allowed (Qty x Price)
- If Needed Adequate new Ping Pool Order to Min Total (Qty x Price) : Starting from the Current Pool value, CAT could calculate an order where the total Amount is under the min amount allowed by the exchange. With this option activated you will force CAT to reach the Min Amount Allowed adding some Qty to the Order. With this option, if you trade with 100% of your amount there's an high risk to get a NO FUNDS Error from Exchange.
- If Pool Values > Available Amount then Adequate Pool Values to Available Amount : As the option say, if pool value is over your available amount you can update it to your real available amount.