You really should stop this and distribute the additional CAP earn't from minting to the rightful Cryptopia users.
First of all this was done via the community, not me. If no one wanted this to happen, no one had to come onto this chain. It would just die. You can still feel free to join the old chain.
Secondly, I could care less and I will destroy the 50M or use it for bounty for another exchange if that is what people want to do. I have no need or desire for the extra coins.
Finally, it is going to the Users on Crypotipa. If Cryptopia ever gets their act together.
I have moved all my personal coins off of that address, so there won't be any confusion later.
So as it stand right now; address EgffRPXXGiNBMt5r6G2foeqGrG26wd6jVH has 55,335,010.685995 coins. This is up 335k from the original 55 million that were mined for the community. I will continue to mint these to keep the difficulty high, create more coins for bounty and Cryptopia users, and why the hell wouldn't I??! This is a PoS coin isn't it?
As far as distributing to people that have coins on Cryptopia. Sorry I will not do this, no time and I won't take responsibility for getting lied to, scammed, etc. I didn't sign up for that and I won't do it. End of Discussion.
That said. I will give a trusted member of the community say 1 million coins at a time to give to those users. You can volunteer and others can vote on your trustworthiness. I know about 3 or 4 that I would trust.
But keep in mind that if Cryptopia does come back and asks for the coins, and I don't have the coins to pay back, what then??
Although I am the only person doing any work at all for this coin, it is your coin, not mine. So figure something out and tell me what you want me to do with the coins... Instead of complaining.
This is great news! Splitting the account will offer great transparency.
With regards to the coins, I think we should wait and sort the issue out with cryptopia as it is their problem. Giving the coins out to individual users will only leave us open to future problems.
I also think we should be using that account as a community coffers. Until cryptopia claim their coins, we should be using the generated funds from minting the 55 million account to get us back on an exchange. The extra caps minted could pay for things like a web page or block explorer for example. The only issue is finding someone willing to work for caps.