Know you guys have your hands full. Thought this might be the proper time to suggest a built-in fee calculator for regular/mixed transactions. Unknown transaction fees always bothered me about QT clients. Keep up the fine work.
Thank you for this suggestion! I'll look forward to implement this in the future (with the addition of RPC API support). The support we receive from the community is just overwhelming, and always strenghtens me when thinking about my future carreer selection.
I am working hard to reach the feature set of Qt wallets, and have just finished implementing configuration support on the back-end (currently, settings are going to be stored at '%LocalAppData%\Jojatekok\MoneroClient\user.config', so they differ for each user of the computer.
I have also started working on the Address book, but only on the GUI. Regarding the wrapping of background processes
(bitmonerod.exe and simplewallet.exe), I'm removing the support for storing the executables of multiple processor architectures, as that is redundant in the scope of a single PC.
Regarding further updates:I am taking the last exams of this school year in these days, and after that, I am going on a trip with the class for 3 days. My passion about the success of Monero is still the same, I would just like to mention that will not be the case for the lack of progress reports.
The first release of Monero Client is being planned day and night, and I work a lot of hours a day to ensure that the software is easy to use and performing flawlessly. Initially, when I started this project, I thought that releasing the product fast with only some features functioning was a good idea, but then I decided not to do so, as that would have resulted in either bad coding, or a featureless wallet-look-alike without trivial functions such as transfering coins.
After the first grand release, I'll also have to deploy each new version professionally, meaning that I have to log changes and provide bundles of them for each processor architecture. So, the releases will happen when I decide they are really worth it. Don't worry, everyone will probably be pleased with the application and the upcoming updates for it.