Whenever I worked, I did not see any bountyplatform asking for the private key of the wallet, only the wallet adrress.
Attention is a duty
thanks to the whole bountyhunter team.
No worries, please!
Private key is not the only way to claim your tokens. We have now implemented so-called Merkle airdrop: the system of distributions made by request.
How does it work? Here are the main principles:
- We generate the list of payments, which contains basic data of users and their rewards: payment ID, wallet address, amount of tokens to be paid. Then we use the list as the base for whitelist: list of wallets which are allowed to request a certain amount of tokens.
- We form the control amount of tokens (Merkle Root) to be transferred into smart-contract. Now users can receive their tokens if they prove that they are whitelisted.
- User receives the whitelist as a proof he can claim certain amount of tokens.
- User forms the transaction proving his ability to receive tokens, signs it and sends it to the network.
- The contract processes the transaction, checking the proof. If the proof is correct, and mentioned wallet is corresponding with amount of tokens, the payment is to be transferred to the mentioned wallet.
There are 3 ways of signing the transaction:
1.By importing his private key;
By importing mnemonic seed
By importing his wallet file + passphrase
You can also create the new empty wallet for claiming your tokens. We automatically renew the whitelists once in 24 hours. After the update you will have a possibility to send your tokens onto the new wallet.
The transaction is being formed and signed in the user’s browser. We don’t keep or transfer any private data, as we care about the security of your wallets. This operation is needed only as your personal sign; otherwise we will not be able to transfer your tokens.
2. User creates new wallet on the base of our platform. New wallet is to be imported into the system automatically.
3. User doesn’t keep any data on our platform and signs each transaction by entering his data at our platform.
Here you can learn more about the Merkle Tree airdrop and its advantages (comparing with traditional airdrops):
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_treehttps://hackernoon.com/evolution-of-airdrop-from-common-spam-to-the-merkle-tree-30caa2344170We are preparing detailed info about our new system. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!