What a nice fight, it's rare to see both fighters with 0 losses fighting together in a championship bout. This is hard to predict and with the venue of their fight, obviously, it's huge money involved here. With the strategy of Bivol to beat his opponent, you won't really imagine how he will gonna lost in this fight, only if Ramirez comes with his own surprising technique as well if he wants to beat him. This fight will likely end in a decision since both figthers will be so careful keeping their clean records.
But I would say that it's better if we will see a toe to toe fight and in the end there will be a knock out. Two fighters with 0 losses also you may question the quality of opponents that Ramirez has as compare to Bivol who just destroyed a prime Canelo. And we say that all of Ramirez win can be compare to Canelo. So someone's 0 will be taken, and I will predict that Ramirez might suffer his first lost against the Russian. Besides, the odds will be on Bivol's favor here, just saying how sport bookies value him in this fight.
Yes, seems that Bivol still the heavy favorite here and we will expect more from him after beating the prime favorite Canelo, Though we can't tell if how Ramirez will prepare to this fight and what kind of strategy his camp is thinking to extend his chance in winning this fight, fans is expecting a good toe-to-toe here since both fighters have that killing instinct.
Boxing record:
Dmitry Bivol 20-0-11 KOs
Zurdo Ramirez 44-0-30 KOs
If we base on their records - we can see more odds on the side of Ramirez than Bivol. Experience is a big advantage in a sport like this but a competitive boxer doesn't let himself down because he sees that his opponent is bigger and has a long experience compared to him, he does more than expected. But as a bettor, I'm still preferred putting my bet on the one I see has more advantage and close to a knockdown which is Ramirez.
That would be an interesting argument, base from bookies Bivol is the heavy favorite but with the numbers that you show and the numbers of experiences, Ramirez may surprise everyone. We never know how and who will win until we've heard it being announced.