However, Donaire is now fighting a different opponent, so we'll most probably see the power that we're talking about in this fight.
That's guaranteed. The fact that Santiago does not have the KO power of Inoue means this fight might last longer if Donaire does not knock out Santiago. We all know that Donaire is still hungry for a win; he wants to be at the top again. And now that Inoue is not a hindrance anymore, he will certainly not waste this opportunity to come back at the top.
This will be an exciting match up for both boxer, as they try to get the belt being left by Inoue and with Donaire, this is a big opportunity to reclaim a championship title so better for him to start working on this and be more aggressive. Santiago is young with a good record as well so Donaire should not be complacent here if he wants to get another win for his record. I’m rooting for Donaire here, I wish him a good fight and will be ready to place a bet for Donaire.
We will see if Donaire has still the power inside the ring, now that Inoue is out for this weight division.
As per majority of speculation, he still has the power, it's the question on if he can still pull the trigger, and I would say yes.
I have the feeling that he wants to retire as a winner once and for all. Couple more years, and he's likely to hang his gloves.
Yes, as most of the high level boxers, they want to quit while they are on top, although the biggest contributors though is that boxers losing fights and can't compete and pull the trigger is the biggest reason why they don't want to do it.
I am rooting also for Donaire on this match, despite his age, because he is quite active so not hard for him to prepare for this fight.
Bookies may favor Donaire on this one, his current ranking whether on The Ring, WBC or WBA is also higher than Santiago.
For sure we all gonna root for Donaire to win again and become the oldest bantamweight champion and his chances are good, just matter of execution and with his experience, he might do it again.