The boxer with the power will win the match and Thurman between the two has it, Barrios is a guy moving up and he is against a guy who has tasted punches coming from big punchers and he held, on compared to Barrios who fought a hard puncher in Gervonta and cannot keep up, I expect Thurman to knock Barrios because of his superiority in speed and power.
Definitely, the fighter with the power will surely win this fight Mario Barrios right now is the underdog that will be tested if he is ready for the welterweight division and both fighters are testing themselves for Thurman his inactivity if he's going to be ready for the big names, and for Mario Barrios, readying him for this division, I guess losing to Pacman has its advantage, he now sure have the feeling of losing and he would never want that kind of feeling anymore.
Thurman is training himself, you can check on his social media. But yeah training alone and training while fight with real boxer are different, he need to warm up first before fight with Barrios.
He's still 33 years old, I don't think he would retire when he's still in prime conditions
his previous fight with Pacquiao is big lesson for him to become better. But still, I'll pick Thurman for this fight, Barrios aren't really powerful IMO.
If he's training then that is good, I think there are some boxers even though they are already retired will surely search for that feeling like they are still training, and I think Manny Pacquiao is one of them, well that length of his inactivity was the one I am referring and just think that maybe because of the Covid-19 that is why he was never seen more than 2 years, but yeah I too will definitely go with Keith Thurman in this fight.