Here's a new object for boycott !
"'You did not warn us of the impending attack on Israel on Oct. 7, we will not enter the war to give you support,' the ayatollah said." According to sources, Iranian authorities do not like Hamas making public appeals to Iran and Iran-based pro-Iranian Hezbollah, asking them to join the fighting against Israel. Khamenei demanded that Haniyeh take steps to stop such calls. Iran-backed Hezbollah has previously threatened to go to war against Israel if Hamas is on the verge of defeat."....."
Iran too refuses to support the Palestinians, against strikes on Israel, and generally doesn't care about the Palestinians.... By the way refugees from Palestine they also do not want to see in their territory....
And so - waiting for support and calls to boycott this cowardly "pro-Israel regime" !
Judging by the situation, there is a complete picture - the Arab, Muslim world is using Palestine only for information manipulation, and as "guinea pigs" - it will turn out to be another "experiment", and with their help to create a problem for Israel - they will attribute the success in the "fight against Zionism" to themselves. And if they don't, they won't, and don't give a damn about the Palestinians, their lives, their future, which doesn't exist.... And all "support for Palestine" - only in words, in weapons for terrorist attacks against Israel, and in slogans of crazy leaders of terrorist groups and regimes ...
Now these "players with other people's souls" have probably finally taken away the future from the people of Palestine, made them outcasts and rejected by the Muslim world. Deprived them of their jobs, the opportunity to live and develop in peace, to build their cities, to raise their children.... You still blame Israel for Palestine's problems!? Do you still think that boycotting Israeli companies where Palestinians worked will save Palestinians !?!?
PS By the way a good example of a proper boycott: the other day Ilon Musk supported an anti-Semitic post. Bottom line: Apple, IBM, Disney, Warner Brothers, Discovery, Paramount and other major advertisers... refused to advertise on his network.... This is what a proper and effective boycott looks like