Really unhappy with the pricing. With it being 1btc, would have picked up quite a few. With it being 2.1 (and all the args about USB hubs and extra ports), I will go to AM any day. .10 is their bulk price, and .16 is for anyone (no min) from Canary's group buy thread. You get these in couple of days!
Sorry but you had a great opportunity that you just blew up.
There is either we sell at the price you expect and do that at a loss or we do it at a price we can afford to let them go. If that is a disappointment to you I am sorry, and given our history with community this is not the end or it has BLOWN UP... we are being forthright and honest to the community. Here is the price. Calculate carefully and make your choice. I am sure our other units in the future will not have as a razor thin margin and we can make a much better effort next time. Let's not get all end of the world about this... we have posted a price but it is not the last thing our COOP will produce.
well you are really not offering any kind of competition here, these prices doesn't encourage the end user to invest in mining.... when I think about buying a miner I would like to get my investment back after X months, then yes any one buying these for 2.1 will never return his investment which means that he want to burn his money, or simply he is a sucker so sorry to put it out this way .
The thing that always gets me about people complaining about the price of ASIC's is this: How much would you sell your machine that prints money for? That's essentially the question. You sell it for more money then it prints.Thats the answer (essentially, minus consideration for electricity costs and other stuff). So ASIC vendors in their right mind always have to sell them for more then they make, and ASIC purchasers are always taking the risk they never make their money back. Essentially. But no need to call people names about it. If you don't want to pay 2.1 BTC, don't buy them. It's not like they mind the inventory languishing in the warehouse. And by warehouse I mean USB hubs.
think again about the definition of a printing machine, let me help you out, a printing machine is that machine you pay for with X BTC and get Y BTC, and Y>X , a machine that costs more than what will ever make is not a money printing machine but a waste of money and energy, well it is a printing money machine only for the seller because he will make more money out of it if he simply sell than mine.
Edit: crazy_rabbit sorry I just realized that we were talking about the same point here, my apologies