Je partage entièrement ton avis, pour l'instant tout ça est très stable et solide vu le contexte de merde.
Après, il y a eu le temps d'anticiper. Pour Binance par exemple, on sait depuis octobre-novembre que ça allait tomber, tout comme on sait que l'affaire Iranienne n'est pas terminée et qu'on aura encore le droit à deux ou trois articles de type "alerte Binance va tomber en morceaux!!! SCANDALE ils respectent pas toutes les sanctions et recommandations de la FINRA". CZ a une défense béton, la division / vont lui apporter de quoi gagner un temps monstrueux en plus, c'est tout le but
En vrai tout ce bordel ne va que servir à consolider l'ensemble, à force de crier au loup...
Par contre je suis super satisfait pour Dokwon héhéhé
Le Montenegro était un pari audacieux, il aurait mieux fait de se planquer 200 km plus au sud
CZ a une défense béton et il a eu le temps d'anticiper? Ce n'est pas du tout ce qu'il prétend dans sa "réponse" où il parle d'"unexpected" plainte et dit que "we will only be able to give full responses in due time".
Et franchement je crois qu'il aurait mieux fait de prendre le temps de trouver autre chose à répondre que ce communiqué, ou bien de juste se taire, tellement ses affirmations semblent dérisoires et mensongères par rapport au contenu de la plainte de la CFTC. Je ne sais pas comment la CFTC a eu accès à tout ça mais ils citent des conversations privées à tous les niveaux hiérarchiques sur plus de 5 années. Et clairement Binance a tout fait pour laisser les americains trader sur durant des années en dehors d'un geoblocage par IP de façade, et pour le cacher aux autorités américaines, pire ils ont activement aidé les grands comptes à contourner les formalités de KYC. ailleurs quand on lit des choses pareilles, on se demande franchement quelle va être la suite ...
For example, in or around October 2020, Binance
underwent a compliance audit to satisfy a request from Paxos. But according to Lim, Binance
purposely engaged a compliance auditor that would “just do a half assed individual sub audit on
geo[fencing]” to “buy us more time.” As part of this audit, the Binance employee who held the
title of Money Laundering Reporting Officer (“MLRO”) lamented that she “need[ed] to write a
fake annual MLRO report to Binance board of directors wtf.” Lim, who was aware that Binance
did not have a board of directors, nevertheless assured her, “yea its fine I can get mgmt. to sign”
off on the fake report. Around the same time as the referenced “half assed” compliance audit, in
November 2020 the MLRO exclaimed to Lim in a chat, “I HAZ NO CONFIDENCE IN OUR
104. Internally, Binance officers, employees, and agents have acknowledged that the
Binance platform has facilitated potentially illegal activities. For example, in February 2019,
after receiving information “regarding HAMAS transactions” on Binance, Lim explained to a
colleague that terrorists usually send “small sums” as “large sums constitute money laundering.”
Lim’s colleague replied: “can barely buy an AK47 with 600 bucks.” And with regard to certain
Binance customers, including customers from Russia, Lim acknowledged in a February 2020
chat: “Like come on. They are here for crime.” Binance’s MLRO agreed that “we see the bad,
but we close 2 eyes.”
105. Lim’s internal discussions with compliance colleagues illustrate that Binance has
tolerated Binance customers’ use of the platform to facilitate “illicit activity.” For example, in
July 2020, a Binance employee wrote to Lim and another colleague asking if a customer whose
recent transactions “were very closely associated with illicit activity” and “over 5m USD worth
of his transactions were indirectly sourced from questionable services” should be off-boarded or
if it was in the class of cases “where we would want to advise the user that they can make a new
account.” Lim chatted in response:
Can let him know to be careful with his flow of funds, especially from darknet
like hydra
He can come back with a new account
But this current one has to go, it’s tainted
106. Lim’s instruction to allow a customer “very closely associated with illicit
activity” to open a new account and continue trading on the platform is consistent with Zhao’s
business strategy, which has counseled against off-boarding customers even if they presented
regulatory risk. For example, in a September 2020 chat Lim explained to Binance employees
that they
Don’t need to be so strict.
Offboarding = bad in cz’s eyes.