Merely having an exchange is quite a few light years away from actually offering a credible plan forward.
This is not the time or place to debate or advertise your own exchange, but if MP has plans for a land-grab in this space -- say, by introducing significant improvements in functionality and value proposition to coincide with the sudden availability of a large number of issuers currently evaluating the merits of potential new homes, then I'm all ears. PM me, and I'd be very happy to hear what he's offering.
A land-grab would imply that there's potentially valuable land to be had, and given attitudes like yours that presume it's the exchange, and not you, that needs to have a plan, there's no apparent reason for any such actions.
As to your vague dismissals: bring an argument if you have one, or else you can acknowledge that yes, indeed, you fucked up. Making unsubstantiated allusions to problems of another party is both unproductive and reprehensible. You picked a play pretend exchange built so shakily it couldn't stand for a year and have the gall to suggest that the actual exchange, which has stood on its own as the only correctly built, actually secure, lasting example has unnamed "functionality" issues?
That'd be part of the ignorance I pointed out to you, along with presuming that me taking the time to point this out has anything to do with "arguing" or "advertising".
Lol, obviously
if no one uses it, it's not going to have problems. What's the point of listing on an exchange that charges $3750 to sign up and is used by no one? (That's 30 bitcoins just to trade, not to issue securities) There clearly is none. There is zero reason for anyone to bother doing it.
Btw, just out of curiosity are you still pretending to be a woman, who works Mircea Popescu, rather then Mircea Popescu himself?
I think that information would be helpful for people trying to evaluate your sanity, and thus business credibility.