Just to clear one thing up - in case you're misunderstanding it. You can't place orders on a single security over your available balance. So if there's 1 million LTC of bids on a security then there's always funds backing them sufficient that you could sell to all of the bids at once. Of course, when you did so it may be the case that a bunch of bids on other securities may get cancelled.
I deposit a hundred coins. I place offers to buy symbol X: 100 @ 1, 95 @ 1.05, 50 @ 2 etc. Total apparent volume is 245, which disappears the moment someone actually sells 50 into it. Having 245 worth of unitary volume disintegrated as a result of a 50 unit sale is the exact stuff panics are made out of, it's simply an invitation for a run.
Liquidity would be much lower without the ability to place multiple orders utilizing the same funds. Choices are good though.
illusion of liquidity would be much lower, in the sense that it would be equal to the actual liquidity. Unfunded orders do not in fact improve liquidity, they simply increase the perceived liquidity above its real level. This is not desirable, neither for the users nor for the exchange. It's in fact a sign of poor management for the exchange, just as it's a sign of strategic ineptitude on the part of the operator to not realize this on their own.
You've made it clear that you do not understand. That's ok, let's do an example:
You deposit 100 coins.
You put up a buy of symbol X: 100 @ 1
You put up a buy of symbol X: 95 @ 1.05
- the system responds "Canceled order: X 100 @ 1"
You put up a buy of symbol X: 50 @ 2
- the system responds "Canceled order: X 95 @ 1.05"
...following? let's continue...
You put up a buy of symbol Y: 50 @ 2
You buy symbol Z: 50 @ 2
- the system responds "Processed order: Z 50 @ 2"
- the system responds "Canceled order: X 50 @ 2"
- the system responds "Canceled order: Y 50 @ 2"
It always cancels the orders you cannot afford, starting with the lowest cost bids.
Edit: As Deprived post below points out, this assumes we're ignoring the TX fees... which the system does not, so reduce all the quantities by 1 or 2 shares if you want to try it IRL.