PANGEA alpha release:
if anybody is brave enough, latest push is somewhat working at API level
./BitcoinDarkd SuperNET '{"plugin":"pangea","method":"start","resubmit":"no","base":"NXT","addrs":["hostNXT", "otherNXT"],"bids":[{"offerNXT":"hostNXT","wallet":{"isbot":1,"bigblind":"100000000","ante":"10000000","rakemillis":10,"balance":"10000000000"}}, {"offerNXT":"otherNXT","wallet":{"isbot":0,"bigblind":"100000000","ante":"10000000","rakemillis":10,"balance":"10000000000"}}],"offerNXT":"hostNXT","bigblind":"100000000","ante":"10000000","rakemillis":10}'
the above starts a game between hostNXT and otherNXT, each starts with a balance of 100, host rake of 1%, bigblind 1, ante of 0.1, and the host is a bot. By changing the "base" you can change what denomination the chips are, of course it is all just imaginary for now. InstantDEX supports a special exchange called "pangea" which will act as the lobby, for now manually constructing the "start" API must be done.
you can have up to 9 players by increasing the addrs and bids arrays
it is VERY picky and might need to restart nodes if anything goes wrong
working on making it more robust today
when it is your turn you submit one of the following actions:
./BitcoinDarkd SuperNET '{"plugin":"pangea","method":"turn","action":"allin"}'
./BitcoinDarkd SuperNET '{"plugin":"pangea","method":"turn","action":"check"}'
./BitcoinDarkd SuperNET '{"plugin":"pangea","method":"turn","action":"call"}'
./BitcoinDarkd SuperNET '{"plugin":"pangea","method":"turn","action":"raise","amount":"satoshis"}'
./BitcoinDarkd SuperNET '{"plugin":"pangea","method":"turn","action":"bet","amount":"satoshis"}'
./BitcoinDarkd SuperNET '{"plugin":"pangea","method":"turn","action":"fold"}'
It implements a coinshuffle inspired algo to shuffle the cards in a fully decentralized way. So no player knows the cards that any other player has, yet all players can verify the validity of cards that are revealed later and can also immediately see their hole cards. I use curve25519 field algebra combined with high entropy card seeds, but it isnt QC resistant so dont play for money against anybody with a working QC.
I decided that speed was more important than QC resistance for now. An encrypted deck is ~16kb. For more than 2 players, MofN recovery is possible for a player bailout, but i dont have that fully activated yet.
I spent a few weeks coding up pangea so now there is a real world use case for peggy fiat denominations. After peggy integration, I will integrate in jumblr so people can get some privacy for such things.
Pangea's rake is set at 0.5%, 80% of that to pangea asset holders, 20% to privatebet assetholders
the increased peggy usage will help subsidized the interest rates paid to depositors, if enough usage then it would be max 7.77% for all the longer term locks. And all this volume will have a percentage (via rounding errors) going to crypto777 asset holders. Jumblr shuffle fees of 0.1% (along with 60% of privatebet dividends) will go to NXTprivacy assetholders.
The sooner we can get all this tested and GUIfied, the sooner these dividends will start flowing.
P.S. yes, this means BTCD will have a blockchain enforced fully decentralized poker built into it, along with fiat denominated pegs that pay interests. Let us see what the 1/tech guys will do about this