Since ppl start spamming my complaiment about bustabit away with answering to old Posts which are weeks ago im going to make sure to qoute my post everytime it happens.
posting multiple times will not help you out but will only make things more complicated , as this will become annoying on the Bustabit side when you don't even let them answer your post before making another one. ..
i am not on either side here but I only wanted to let things be answered clearer mate so please just Keep Cool until they address you later. if they keep on silence then lets make another move.
Edit : There you Go , answers had been given above >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The waiting period may seem like a hassle, but it protects users' accounts in the case of their password being compromised and for that reason cannot be skipped or shortened. It is mandatory when someone wants to access an account without being able to fully authenticate themselves as its owner such as in your case.
If you happen to remember your email address in the meantime you can access your account normally by clicking the authorization link sent to it. Otherwise, please sit tight until the waiting period passes and I contact you via email.
Should you have questions please respond in our existing email thread as I do not provide account support via the forum.