Hey Searing... since you think it's going to be a brick, I assume you won't mind if we deliver your unit last, right? I mean, according to you, a brick is a brick, so if you get it at the end of the line you won't mind, right?
You were not forced in to anything. If you had taken delivery of your 65nm when you were up for it, you would have ROI'd and been in the black already. You know it, I know it... everyone knows it. You just want to whine and bitch because that's your hobby. So please, by all means, cry some more... everyone loves hearing you whine.
And from another thread regarding Inaba's customer service attitude.
Perhaps in 2014, you can redirect some of the energy you spend defending your business practices in these 3rd party forums into resolving ACTUAL customer issues.
Fix the underlying root cause.
It's an area we are working on. I have no direct control over that area, so redirecting any of my energies to that would be fruitless. Regardless, though, I only post here for entertainment purposes and when I have spare time (like sitting on a plane, holidays, etc...) and it's what I occasionally choose to do with my free time, so again, it would be fruitless, even if I did have direct control over it.
As an average customer, you make me want to turn away and run from your company. Think of all the damage you do EVERYTIME you post on here.
Perhaps a new hobby/entertainment source is due for you. With all due respect.
Or, maybe you and the rest of your crew should take a week off and attend some training on customer service. No one, and I mean NO ONE is impressed with your conduct on these boards towards your customers.
I'm sorry if you've missed it before when I've clearly stated it, but if you are running away because of my posts, that is good. You are not the type of customer we want. We want customers capable of rationally assessing a situation and being able to extract the truth from the lies. If you are running away because of my posts, you are not in that category and we do not want you as a customer. You will require way too much hand holding and attention, eventually costing more to keep you as a customer though your unrealistic expectations and unreasonable requests than you generate in revenue. We highly encourage you to seek out our competition and inflict yourself upon them at your earliest opportunity.
At the end of the day (or thread in this case)
Ask yourself this...
"Am I putting the company I work for in a better or worse position with my post?"
Therein lies the solution to your problem.
Your company would be better off if you just closed your browser and ignored the chatter on these boards (period). You do nothing but damage and harm to your brand and to your company.
And believe me, you'll never see another red cent from me.
I have asked myself that many times and our sales figures would make you out to be completely wrong. Every time I go on a posting spree, our sales jump. As much as you'd like to believe people are a vapid and ignorant as you would have the trolls believe, they aren't. Most of our customers are pretty smart and they see right through the trollish behavior and are, at worst, ambivalent about my posts. Many of them are entertained by it and that's why I do it, it's entertainment for the enlightened and rage inducing for the ignorant. Just look at the frothing at the mouth we get from people like LittleD and Bicknellski... it's like tapping on a fishtank and watching the fish jump, but without the animal cruelty.
Poor little Bick, Syke, LittleD, et al do everything I want them to do whenever I want them to do it and they think it's their own idea. It's actually quite glorious, to be honest, and it's why I keep coming back. If they, and those like them, failed to perform on command, I really wouldn't have a reason to continue to post. Lest you think I'm letting a secret out, I've said this numerous times before, just the puppets change... The first time I spilled the beans about this, I was afraid it would ruin the effect, but to my surprise it did absolutely nothing to lessen the effect, as there seems to be a limitless supply if easily pliable trolls to take the place of the ones that eventually wither away.
While I would like to see much more active moderation on these forums to eliminate the trolls, it would make me quite a bit less effective without my little puppets to play with. But on balance, it would be much better for the community. One can only hope.