It's nice to see that the most people in this thread are against the tendency to connect BTC with drugs.
Yes, it is a convinient way to buy drugs with BTC because of its untraceability, but when we hear the word "knife" the first thing that comes to mind is not necessarily "murder" though alot of poeple were murdered with knife.
Same thing must be with BTC: when we hear the word "knife" the first thing that comes to mind shouldn't be "drugs".
The haters will just hate and they will be nit-picking forever. It's just how we people are. It's been like this forever and it will be in a future. I bet that if Bitcoin survives and it becomes big in the future, we will be able to find again people that will consider Bitcoin is here only for drug buying.
Heck, that's a little like cell phones and brain cancer. Even today I meet the people that believe talking on a cell phone will give them brain cancer instantly.
haha, this reminded me of "They hate us because they ain't us!" and "Haters gonna hate, and ain'ters gonna ain't!" from "The Interview". Great movie btw. ... But I agree with you in general, It's just how we people are, yep.
I also f***d up my post the word "knife", I already edited, I meant Bitcoin of course.