it looks like you are very confident with your project. this project gets everyone interested. but by looking at your current ann, I'm a bit skeptical of your project, because your ann is not detail to explain to everyone. and I have not been able to see your whitepaper.
You are missing the point, and this project for specific kind of crypto investors, investors who want returns and they don’t lie to themselves by saying I care about the project, by the way how is that Tesoz Whitepaper?
What is all about ? I do not understand anything like this.
Move on this is for brave investors.
Zero funds in the BTC and ETH addresses mentioned in post

Move funds first !!

Did you just say that you want us to scam you? You are very strange dude! Go ahead put the first $5
What is all about ? I do not understand anything like this.
They will release who they are on early January next year. Maybe we can see the truth of "C". Its really unusual ann thread. Kept thinking, keep guessing, and always keep on 'C'. Damn, your thread make me curious to know more. Will look closely this ANN.
Better will be for both of you to put $5, before you regret it, as same as the guys who had chance to buy bitcoin at $5.
I hope there will be something different with this "C" project as your bounty campaign really make people interest. Could you give me a leak about what platform will be used for "C"? Ethereum or Waves based token?
Put that damn $5 and you will see something better than any other Crypto project specially in first 3 months of 2018.
Dev I not understand very well You paid as with BTC for all bounty camp or only for Signature, because I saw you talk about stake for Facebook,twitter..
Its a full campaign! Join it all, and increase your income, since BTC is heading to $25 by March 2018.
Is your bounty reward escrowed? I have a feeling wasting my time joining in your bounty campaign you cannot even present a good ann of your project and wheres the official website?
Move on, this is not for you man! Best of luck on all your future project.
Very strange tread. Do you want to be written for all documents and conducted by ICO? Very interesting! Good luck!
Thank you, you meant we will release the information? Of course man on Jan 31st 2018, thats when “hopefully” you and smart investors will have big fat smile on their faces,and other who is reading this and choose not to invest will regret it.
Very strange tread. Do you want to be written for all documents and conducted by ICO? Very interesting! Good luck!
Yes I think this is the weirdest thread I've ever found, maybe the OP wants to present a different design.
very interesting and some campaigns are paid with BTC. It's awesome and different.
Super, waiting your $5.
Your project made me curious and i have been looking for where the website information and whitepaper..
But,I did not find it ..
Jan 31st 2018, waiting your $5.