I believe the idea if implemted will significantly drive up the adoption rate of bitcoin.
your point of view is good, but amazon has a status that can no longer be taken from.
Compared to the same quarter last year, Amazon's sales increased by around 30.36 percent from around 87.44 billion US dollars to 125.56 billion US dollars.
Source: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/197099/umfrage/nettoumsatz-von-amazoncom-quartalszahlen/#:~:text=Im%20Vergleich%20zum%20Vorjahresquartal%20ist,56%20Milliarden%20US%2DDollar%20gestiegen.
I don't figure out what that means per month, day or hour. But when you've reached such a status, is it so important to think about being even richer? Or whether you offer your customers a way to make them happier?