There are lots of altcoins(well, ICOs) Can anyone suggest some altcoins to buy?
I searched some on ICO listing cites, but it seems a lot of them are paid to be rated high. Some coins have only 100+ members on Telegram...
I know that the price will go up and down but how to find some altcoins that is really doing something revolutionary and worth to invest?
I will recommend :
1. Ethereum -present price is $679 ,this coin is increasing it's price consistently and the highest price reached is $1400 , that's was happened last year.
2. Litecoin-present price is $148 , this coin is increasing it's price slowly.
3. Neo- present price is $82 , higest price is $100 plus and this coin is starting to bounce back.
4 waves- present price is $7.00 , this is coin is growing up .
5 Ripple(xrp)- present price is $.8456 , this price is increasing slowly.