No,at least for these years.Now some countries still treat Bitcoin as illegal currency,which means the government doesn't accept it.besides,most people just see Bitcoin as a investment to earn money,not a real currency.,even many people don't know what is Bitcoin,and what it is use for.Be a real money,it has a long long way to go.
I wouldn't say that it is illegal, but instead its an alien currency. I mean whenever a thing is not welcome or not being accepted or not being a regular existence to a specific country, means it is an alien (well somehow we misunderstood the word 'alien' as an unknown life form, but instead it also a thing). To be simplistic, its a foreign things, to that country, although it is known it is not being used in that country - hence an alien object.
It will be treated that way since it is still not accepted, if that currency is still treated as a digital then its most likely to be like gold, but once countries accepted this currency and regulate the use of Bitcoin then it will be a part of the currency they are using.