Those two things are so highly unrelated that I think it's pretty funny that you attempted to say that they my saying of "abortion is murder" fits the saying "You're making a genocide everytime you masturbate"
I'm going to skip the part about you saying you don't want to debate / discuss with me as you simply went on to speak more into it, so please make sure next time to not contradict yourself.
That's not a discussion or a debate, it's like 2 people talking about the same blue painting, one seeing it blue and the other seeing it red. There is nothing to discuss as it's a question of one being able to understand the difference between reality and imagination, and the other not being able to do so.
How could I discuss with someone believing that an embryo is a baby? While there is no brain, no neuronal activity, no nerves... Nothing...
And please don't talk about abortion at 8 months, there is no European country where it is legal unless incredible medical problems.
Otherwise abortion is made when the embryo is not bigger than a bean. It has nothing that could qualify it as a living being.
Maybe I was a bit harsh saying you have no reasoning. It's just that your "reasoning" is based on assumptions so false that it doesn't matter how brilliantly you can conduct it.
I'm just going to leave you with a nice little week by week development chart for growing fetus' so you're able to understand all of this, as It seems that you think that I will only consider a baby an actual human being at 8 months or something along those lines. Also, I'm focusing more on Abortion on the United States even though this is a topic relating to Marine Le Pen in France.
I may not be fully familiar with the Abortion law in France and other European countries but I'd love to be enlightened by someone like you (an expert on the topic!)
I'm a bit of an expert yeah, at least as much as anyone having sexual relations should be. (not saying you don't, saying that anyone should be aware of such rules in his own country).
All jokes aside, I'm going to be feel a baby is a ALIVE once it is Around week 8, I hate to put a number on something like this but you seem like the person who is going to pry it out of me.
I perfectly understand how hard it is to put a number on this.
I'm not saying it's obvious or whatever, it's just that you HAVE TO if you want to make a law.
Well you say week 8? In France we decided it was week 12. When the neural path is more or less finished constructed and nerves and muscles start working.
Not so wrong isn't it?
Still, killing a potential human being to the earth at ANY POINT in production is still horrible.
YOU find that horrible.
I find FAR MORE HORRIBLE to make it mandatory for anyone to have a baby if they didn't want. You're going to talk about contraception? Talk again. No contraception is safe. And you could say that you can use additional contraception means? Well for a very personal example, my wife can't take the pill, it's physically impossible. So it let us one mean of contraception and it is NOT 100% reliable.
So what do you think is worse? Let a child live in a family that is not able to support him and doesn't want him (cause yeah some people don't want children) or just getting rid of a foetus which, even at week 36, still has nothing much in common with a living human being?