If you want to gamble your CAPTcoins, try the new CAPTcoin Ponzi.
- Send any amount between ⟳1 and ⟳50 to
CPonzirB8M1MadrDcx5AP3RFVes1AnSeArCPonziZf5C1iGoVLvwuahQDdqFB5WgJDJK. - As soon as another person makes a new transaction, you'll receive 110% back.
- It will be sent to the same address. Do not send from an exchange.
- There's a fee of 1%.
- If you send more than ⟳50 or less than ⟳1, you'll get it back. However, the fee will be charged.
- Transactions are registered after 4 confirmations, and payments are made every 3 minutes.
- And last: beware this is a Ponzi gambling game, not an investment.
When I find it in Ponzi page, not found, but this transaction:
Can you take a look to its for me.
Please confirm.