how deep do you want to climb out of the rabbit hole you fell down..
i could go on for hours busting the flaws of the 'freeman' stuff
first of all, the basics of human vs civil. is if simplified down about 'illegal aliens' and 'tresspass'
if your not a legal citizen(not member of public)(not under government rule) then you are tresspassing and will be deported.
if you try using government services you will be denied. roads are a service. so without showing you have a licence(permit(permission)) to use their services then you should not be on the road.
legal acts of the road(government service) is that the public(citizens) should not walk on the road but use the pavement and crossings. roads are made for vehicles and laws of how those vehicles apply to how they should act on the roads
if you dont want to obide by those government legal acts. then become an illegal alien and hide off the grid.. or walk on land which you own or have permission to walk through..
but if you are found using government services accept to be charged for that service.
ok its ben a few years. so lets dig in #1 time0:00-15:00guy goes to court and say he doesnt recognise the courts the case lasts 7 minutes and is ended.
it clearly says in the mp3 the liability order was still active. after the case
all that happened was just wasting the courts time.
the liability order was no quashed
the guy then went to say to those he was liable to that he went to court. but didnt say that those he was liable to just went away.
what half of this freemason crap is about is not lawfully dismissing liability. but actually trying to waste everyones time soo much that they just give up after their accountant works out that its more expensive to keep trying and to just write it off as acceptable loss of revenue.
things like this are done all the time. if you have a credit card/loan owing £500 but know it costs a credit card company £500 to pay to a financial omburdsmen to make a decision. and then £1000 to go to court, and court of appeals. the freemasons would try making credit card companies aware of the costs its costing them to keep fighting for their funds, and mentioning after that the person can just claim bankruptcy meaning the credit card company wont get anything back. thats not the person winning because of human rights. but just getting a company to make a loss and move on.
but the fremasons hide all that tactic in lots of half truths and ploys to make it sound ik its about human rights
mp3. #1 time15:00-30:00ok this segment is about what authority a court has.
basically anyone can choose any fair venue to argue their case. many contracts can b formed whereby if a person has a problem with thier telephone service. they can first go to their telephone regulator, then tribubal, mitigation, then court.
people can form their own court. but if one party such as government that feels you have tresspassed or broke one of the rules of the use of their property they can ask you to attend their court.
if someone stands on your land then you can escort them to your barn and get them to defend their actions or suffer the consequences.
EG at a drinking bar/pub, but customer dosnt have money for the drink. you can take them into the kitchen and mak them wash dishes/glasses as payment/punishment/reimbursment of lost costs
but be careful.. your punishment may not be lawful or legal which means you could get in trouble for the punishment you give out.
the whole going to court and saying you dont recognise their authority is not declaring your innocence its just wasting the courts time. if its related to a government service which you broke the rules of then the government courts have procedures for that. they simply add a warrent to get you to turn up later. you actually can end up getting in worse trouble than just admitting you as a human did make a mistake by driving unlicenced
EG by claiming your not a citizen of government you could end up in a detention centre until they can identify a country you are a citizen of to deport you to. rather than just paying a fine for being unlicenced on the road