while BD thinks he has found a free money tree of invoicing cops, and suing judges by provoking a car stop by having no licence...
.. the reality is while BD is trying to waste courts time with his money grab the courts found him guilty of no licence and ordered him to pay a fine, with further penalty if the fine is not paid.
ok. so guess what.. karl lentz is not a milionaire from all the invoices and suits
BD definetly aint rich for the same
and BD especially has no first hand experience and is just trying to repeat scripts he heard from people who heard scripts from people who were just running scenarios out without truthful/full detail explanation
i am loving this comedy from BD.. and he still dont realise its comedy
A tree of money? No. Just simple trade.
If you have a job somewhere, and the boss orders you to do anything, he pays you. It's the law.
If a cop attempts to be your boss, and you obey, he must pay you. Why? Because he is another man giving you orders, and because the 13th Amendment says no involuntary servitude.
Cops get away with all kinds of nasty doings these days, simply because people don't use the 13th Amendment and collect their pay from their cop-boss.
Qualified immunity. Look it up