The point was they were 'better' at it with worse hardware. A 480 is outperforming a 1070. That's the baseline.
if it is open one can simply remove the fee..
Thanks again for your very confused/confusing answer.. to say that, just stay mute
No, there is no mining fees on published one...
what is confusing exactly? i just said that if it open source you can simply remove the fee if you know how to check the code, not that hard...
You were being a douche. If a developer wants a dev fee for payment for their work, you're advocating simply removing it because 'it's open source'. Basically telling them to go fuck themselves.
Jesus dude your dumbass level is over like 9000.
SP have you considered removing the flat fee with your miner and dropping it to 2%? Not sure how you ended up at at 3.3% instead of 2% in the first place.
no you didn't understand shit, as usual read above what was my point for that response
Point is still the same... I read that post before replying, you're just trying to justifying being a douche... It shouldn't matter if it's open source or not.