It seems now we urgently need faster x15 miner.
Ready to donate 0.01 btc for my poor gtx750)))
Coincidentally I'm working on a faster CPU miner for X algos that nearly doubles the X15 performance
but noone wants to pay for a CPU miner. I'm not doing it to make money, I'm doing it because it's fun
and I'm learning something along the way. And if I ever get it finished I'll probably give it away.
If you need any help with hardware testing on this I have 3x EVGA SR2's dual CPU 24 cores boards, a 4x CPU AMD sever 32 cores & a 980X 12 core in service.
I'd also be willing to tip in some BTC to you if you need that.
I'll keep that in mind. Things are progressing well. I'm not sure which CPU miners you are familiar with but I'm working
with darkcoin cpu miner 1.3 (elmad), cp3u (palmd) & cpuminer-multi (tpruvot )and taking the best from each. I've even
managed to improve on the current best in each algo (all X, quark, qubit). The other algos are either unstable or too
difficult for the moment. If you know of any other interesting CPU miners point them out to me. I'll take a look and see
if I can make use of them. Also if you (or anyone else) knows of other contributors to these programs not yet credited
let me know.
It has been quite a challenge. I've never done any c++ development before and no development at all for 10 years. I had a
hell of a time messing with the Makefile sources and #includes. I'm trying to tweak each algo some more. Some work better
inlined, others not, simple stuff for now. Everything focussed on AES for now.
By my own ad-hoc versioning I'm at beta2 (that goal reached since the first post). Maybe one more beta before I'm comfortable
sharing it privately. Then I'll start work on support for CPUs limited to sse2, then...
Should this be moved to a new thread?
Probably should start your own topic on this subject. If you do just come back and post a link in one of your reply's here.
I've used at some point almost every CPU miner software out there or tested it at some point. darkcoin cpu, cpuminer-multi for sure.
Not at my main testing rig so I'll have to take a look at the others CPU miners once I'm in the shop. I'll PM you with some details later.
Can't wait to test these, thanks for posting.