i tried --diff .5 like i use on gimmiecoins but i get share above target so i tried lower settings and at .01 nothing gets accepted and everything i tried above goes same problem
ccminer.exe -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp://lyra2re.usa.nicehash.com:3342 -u address -p x -t 1 -d gtx750ti --diff .011
NiceHash does not require a "diff" setting. This was argued out in the thread after the release of Lyra 2 revision 2. NiceHash uses the SGminer syntax for naming their Lyra2v2 pool!
Your launch string should be as follows:
ccminer.exe -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp://lyra2rev2.usa.nicehash.com:3347 -u address -p x -t 1 -d gtx750ti
In your string above, there is a typo. You called the algo correctly for CCminer, but the pool name was not correct. No difficulty correction is needed.