cryptomole/Ntrain2k: Can you send me the config file or arguments you use to start bfgminer outside of CGWatcher? I'd also suggest disabling the use of temporary config file (Settings->Miner->Disable temporary config file creation during miner start). That way if there is anything unique about the config file that CGWatcher is having a hard time with, it is less likely to modify it. Your config file/arguments should tell me if there is a new specific setting CGWatcher needs to know about, and if that's the case I'll get an update released today with the changes.
I selected the disable temporary config file and it still does it. Here is what pops up in the cgwatcher log:
[6/30/2014 6:40:29 PM] Ensure miner is running check skipped because miner is set to start or is being restarted by another option.
[6/30/2014 6:40:33 PM] User clicked Start Mining button. Attempting to start miner...
[6/30/2014 6:40:33 PM] [d] Miner.StartMining called. [Profile=Default;MinerFile=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\MP.bat;MinerFileUsed=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat;MinerExecutable=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\bfgminer.exe;Config=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\CGWatcher-1.3.5\temp.conf ();Arguments=/c;Anticipated Port=4028;Used Port=4028;IsBatCmd=True;BatCmdPath=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat (C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\MP.bat);LastKnownInstanceCount=0/1]
[6/30/2014 6:40:34 PM] [d] BAT successfully launched BFGMiner executable process using ProcessID 916.
[6/30/2014 6:40:34 PM] [d] Miner.IsProcessAlive(916) returns True. [First try, process is alive.] (CPID916/CMPID=916/CBPID=3552)
[6/30/2014 6:40:34 PM] [d] Waiting for BFGMiner to initialize API. Process 916 alive=True, minerid=916, bat id=3552.
[6/30/2014 6:40:35 PM] No pools set in config file or arguments! If I need to restart the miner it will be stuck at prompt until you manually enter this information. Putting this into the config file or arguments is highly recommended to ensure continuous mining.
[6/30/2014 6:40:35 PM] [d] Watch for miner, expected process is 916 (alive).
[6/30/2014 6:40:35 PM] [d] BFGMiner process is running using ProcessID 916, expecting port 4028.
[6/30/2014 6:40:36 PM] [d] BFGMiner running but without API access... waiting to check again.
[6/30/2014 6:40:41 PM] [d] BFGMiner running and API initialized on port 4028, process matched to profile Default.
[6/30/2014 6:40:41 PM] [d] Finish wait for miner to start, process is 916 (alive).
[6/30/2014 6:40:41 PM] BFGMiner started successfully.
[6/30/2014 6:40:41 PM] [d] Miner.StartMining.DeleteTemporaryBatchFile 'C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat' deleted successfully.
[6/30/2014 6:40:41 PM] Current pool is stratum+tcp://
[6/30/2014 6:40:43 PM] BFGMiner process closed outside of CGWatcher!
[6/30/2014 6:40:43 PM] [d] 1 miner instances found, 1 ignored.
[6/30/2014 6:40:43 PM] [d] Miner.IsProcessAlive(3552) returns False. [First try, test process is nothing. ex: Process with an Id of 3552 is not running.] (CPID0/CMPID=0/CBPID=3552)
[6/30/2014 6:40:44 PM] [d] Monitor.EnsureMinerRunning found miner stopped; I will wait at least 15 seconds to ensure miner is running...
[6/30/2014 6:40:44 PM] The miner is closed outside of CGWatcher and you've requested for me to ensure it stays running. Attempting to start...
[6/30/2014 6:40:44 PM] [d] Miner.StartMining called. [Profile=Default;MinerFile=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\MP.bat;MinerFileUsed=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat;MinerExecutable=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\bfgminer.exe;Config=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\CGWatcher-1.3.5\temp.conf ();Arguments=/c;Anticipated Port=4028;Used Port=4028;IsBatCmd=True;BatCmdPath=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat (C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\MP.bat);LastKnownInstanceCount=0/1]
[6/30/2014 6:40:45 PM] [d] BAT successfully launched BFGMiner executable process using ProcessID 2668.
[6/30/2014 6:40:45 PM] [d] Miner.IsProcessAlive(2668) returns True. [First try, process is alive.] (CPID2668/CMPID=2668/CBPID=4336)
[6/30/2014 6:40:45 PM] [d] Waiting for BFGMiner to initialize API. Process 2668 alive=True, minerid=2668, bat id=4336.
[6/30/2014 6:40:46 PM] No pools set in config file or arguments! If I need to restart the miner it will be stuck at prompt until you manually enter this information. Putting this into the config file or arguments is highly recommended to ensure continuous mining.
[6/30/2014 6:40:46 PM] [d] Watch for miner, expected process is 2668 (alive).
[6/30/2014 6:40:46 PM] [d] BFGMiner process is running using ProcessID 2668, expecting port 4028.
[6/30/2014 6:40:47 PM] [d] BFGMiner running but without API access... waiting to check again.
[6/30/2014 6:40:52 PM] [d] BFGMiner running and API initialized on port 4028, process matched to profile Default.
[6/30/2014 6:40:52 PM] [d] Finish wait for miner to start, process is 2668 (alive).
[6/30/2014 6:40:52 PM] BFGMiner started successfully.
[6/30/2014 6:40:52 PM] [d] Miner.StartMining.DeleteTemporaryBatchFile 'C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat' deleted successfully.
[6/30/2014 6:40:52 PM] Current pool is stratum+tcp://
[6/30/2014 6:40:59 PM] BFGMiner process closed outside of CGWatcher!
[6/30/2014 6:40:59 PM] [d] 1 miner instances found, 1 ignored.
[6/30/2014 6:40:59 PM] [d] Miner.IsProcessAlive(2588) returns True. [First try, process is alive.] (CPID0/CMPID=0/CBPID=4336)
[6/30/2014 6:40:59 PM] [d] Monitor.EnsureMinerRunning found miner stopped; I will wait at least 15 seconds to ensure miner is running...
[6/30/2014 6:40:59 PM] The miner is closed outside of CGWatcher and you've requested for me to ensure it stays running. Attempting to start...
[6/30/2014 6:41:00 PM] [d] Miner.StartMining called. [Profile=Default;MinerFile=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\MP.bat;MinerFileUsed=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat;MinerExecutable=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\bfgminer.exe;Config=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\CGWatcher-1.3.5\temp.conf ();Arguments=/c;Anticipated Port=4028;Used Port=4028;IsBatCmd=True;BatCmdPath=C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\temp_MP.bat (C:\Users\Mine\Desktop\BFGminerZ\MP.bat);LastKnownInstanceCount=0/1]
[6/30/2014 6:41:00 PM] [d] BAT successfully launched BFGMiner executable process using ProcessID 3816.
[6/30/2014 6:41:00 PM] [d] Miner.IsProcessAlive(3816) returns True. [First try, process is alive.] (CPID3816/CMPID=3816/CBPID=2600)
[6/30/2014 6:41:00 PM] [d] Waiting for BFGMiner to initialize API. Process 3816 alive=True, minerid=3816, bat id=2600.