The Catholic Church Has Paid Out $3,994,797,060.10 as a Result of the Sex Abuse Scandals
I am sure that the vast majority of this amount was spent on defending the pedophile clerics. A few months back, there was a news story from Mexico. A Catholic priest had raped some 30 orphaned indigenous girls in the state of Oaxaca. Unfortunately, the priest himself was HIV positive, and he probably passed on the disease to many of his victims. The last time I heard, the Catholic church was spending huge amounts for the legal defense and medical treatment of the priest. But there was no mention about the victims anywhere.
The vast majority of the $4 BILLION was paid in settlements out of court to the victims (the rest was spent on lawyers)... the priests were not sent to prison, and did not even lose their jobs... they are all still priests working at other churches... that's how the Vatican operates... bribe the victims, and keep the priest out of jail... seems very unholy/immoral/evil to me
Shouldn't the Vatican be interested in putting these priests in prison? Draining the swamp? Saving $4 Billion?
Why do they waste insane amounts of money to keep monsters out of prison?
Why do they support these monsters?
Why to Catholics still support the Vatican?!?
This whole mess is just insane to me... If I was a member of an organization that spent $4 Billion defending child molesters, I'd leave that organization... I would not care if they said I would go to hell if I left, they are clearly evil people, and liars
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I have read that less than 1% of those kids who were abused by the Catholic priests are likely to report the crime to the police. If this 1% cost the Vatican some $4 billion, then I wonder how much they would spend if everyone reports these crimes.