Frustration, not hate.
Look at your body. Look at all that has gone into making it. No man or group of men could make something like a human body, one that can reproduce with another human body and make millions of variations of people.
There is great love that has gone into making you. It is loving care that has placed everything into just the right places, so that you are you.
More than that, you have a spirit and a soul. You have your own identity, where you can say, "I am I. There is nobody else who is me, and I am nobody else."
The love of God caringly and carefully built you into the wonderful being that you are - His child. He loves you. He calls for you. He misses you so extremely much... the little one you were as he was building you in Mommy's tummy, before you took up your own way.
"Won't you please come back to me?" calls our loving God.
This is what Christianity is all about. Christians join with God in calling you back to Him. Come back, so that you are not lost forever. There are tears in God's eyes, and in the eyes of Christians... tears for you. We miss you so. Come back to be with us forever, in love and joy and peace. We miss you now, and we don't want to miss you forever.
We call so much. But you don't want to come back. This is the Christian religion. No hate. Simply love, followed by deep frustration, because we are losing you.
EDIT: God calls for you