ah ok... sounds like default -h of 1024 is the way to go then. and 735 for a modded 480 seems about right compared to the 690 i got from my modded 470... in the ballpark at least. What I can't figure out is how 800 is possible on a 470 as Wolf mentioned in this or another thread. But I dont remember seeing anyone else claiming anywhere close to that high so who knows. Will be interesting to see what kind of bump the 4xx series gets from Claymore's next rev of this miner. Unfortunately, I think it will be delayed a bit as he mentioned on the ZEC thread that he finally caved and will be doing a linux miner for ZEC after all. Not sure why the demand to ZEC miners is still so high given that both XMR and ETH are currently considerably more profitable to mine. I guess a lot of people still hoping ZEC prices will go through the roof.
@Claymore has never let us down. He has started working on Cryptnote miner improvement especially for newer RX cards. Hopefully he will be able to make some breakthrough. The lad has not yet once let the crypto miner community down. So just hang on.
I'm hoping for that too. Currently, mining XMR is pretty much useless with the RX series cards. As of now, ZEC and ETH/ETC are the only choices for the miners carrying only RX series cards.
I'm as of now getting 750 H/s with my XFX RX 480's through this miner.
how exactly do you figure XMR is useless with RX cards lol? In reality, XMR is actually the most profitable (currently 20% better than ETH and nearly 50% better than ZEC) for the last several days. And that is on my 5-470 un-modded rig! After I strap-mod those puppies, the profitability margin of XMR over ZEC will only improve for me (all else being equal of course). Not only is XMR currently the most profitable to mine with XMR, it's probably the only profitable CPU mineable coin at present. I have 3 i7's getting close to 900 h/s on XMR... so basically the equivalent of 1.5 more 470's.
nah not really . XMR was about 60% profitable and now almost similary profitable to ETH/ETC/ZCASH
use whattomine.com for comparison with your results. I have exclusively RX480s and above is my comparison
Current profitability comparison for exclusively RX480
hmmm strange... is that screen-shot for 1 RX-480? not sure what your electricity rates are or your exact build or consumption but I can't get anywhere close to those results on that site with either default values for 5x470 or 5x480, or even my own actual numbers from a 5x470 modded bios rig.
5x480 default @ .11 cents: XMR = 4.06 profit / ETH = 3.45 profit / ZEC = 3.13 profit
5x470 default @ .11 cents: XMR = 3.46 profit / ETH = 3.10 profit / ZEC = 2.50 profit
MY 5x470 mod @ 11 cents: XMR = 3.46 profit / ETH = 3.04 profit / ZEC = 2.41 profit (actually very close to defaults on this site)
I know this is very volotile and rates and difficulties change by the minute but over the past 4-5 days I have not once seen ZEC = or above the other 2 and I have been checking this site as well as CoinWarez. I did have a bit of an issue with XMR not coming in like the calculators said, but I think that was more of a pool problem. Since changing over to dwarfpool, actual earnings appear to be in line with these estimates. Don't get me wrong, I hope people keep mining ZEC like crazy so as to hopefully keep the diff lower on XMR and ETH, but I had just assumed that most of those people were the ones with older GPUs that do better on ZEC. I thought most people with 470/480 had already moved back to XMR or ETH.