And my programm will be updated
5% fee - mining, 2% fee - pool, 5% - of exchange
It is a lot of fees.
Still, It fees dumping cost of crypto because them at once sell.
I against such situations.
I'm against someone who can't even type a fucking sentence without sounding like a moron... let alone try to jip someone on their hard work... or try to steal everyone else's hash-rate or mining earnings... or whatever.
I'm not even going to dignify this little shit's software with a download and analysis. Run it through virus-total all you want. I can tell just from the looks of it, it's a cheap visual-basic program with a keylogger, and port-forwarding.
I could have written this program in my sleep when I was 15yrs old.
Your computer skills are shit, your English is shit, and your ETHICS are SHIT.
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
I vote he gets the ban-hammer.
Not supporting him, as he probably can't code for shit - but don't bash people for probably not speaking English natively.
And let's be fair - anyone bypassing Claymore's fee now isn't being unfair in the slightest. What he's getting paid is STUPID disproportionate to the amount of work. $10k or $20k would be
plenty. He's no doubt made more than $100k at peak XMR prices and is showing no signs of stopping. Maybe he's dumping, maybe he's not, but he IS hurting Monero.
I'm sorry, but I used to think that way, until I've seen Claymore pump out more than 5 updates in the past week alone. Which is more than I can say for any other miner dev out there... unless they edited their git files late at night drunk and screwed it to hell.
What you're failing to see here Wolf0, is that he's not using open-source software, and he's definitely not using a branch of someone else's software. (If he is, that's his problem.)
The fact of the matter is, he's the first and ONLY AMD GPU MINER RELEASE that has come out for Cryptonight algo.
What you want, is a cookie. What I want, is to mine, and keep the dev happy, and have him keep improving the program.
He has good reason to. The faster he can get his miner to mine, the faster all the users can mine, the more money he makes. Makes perfect sense to be in his shoes.
Do I TOTALLY agree with how he does it? No. Do I think he made a very smart financial move? Hell yes. Did he hide it? Did he steal it? No.
As far as bashing someone who can't speak English natively... speaking is entirely different from writing my friend.
I've seen someone who couldn't speak a proper sentence in English (foreign student) to save their life write a 600 page term paper without a single error... and even beat me.
I'm not bashing him for not being able to speak it... but I am bashing him for coming into a thread for English language, trying to give people a virus, potentially harm computers, steal coins, or who know's what.