Hi guys, I'm new to Claymore and unsure of how to best not to crash my rig
I've been using mostly xmr-stak and cast xmr for dedicated cryptonight mining but very recently tried awesome miner profit switching, which uses Claymore Dual miner 11.0 as one of the miners.
Whenever awesome miner switches to Claymore Dual Eth v11.5 my rig will hard crash and OS will not restart successfully.
Can you guys please share the appropriate command(s) for an AMD rig setup?
Win10 Pro
1 x Vega 56
1 x Vega 64
1 x Vega FE
Awesome Miner
Files generated by Awesomeminer:-
POOL: stratum+tcp://us-east.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:17020, WALLET: workername, PSW: x, ESM: 2, ALLPOOLS: 1
POOL: stratum+tcp://hub.miningpoolhub.com:17022, WALLET: workername, PSW: x, ESM: 2, ALLPOOLS: 1
Latest log just before hardcrash...
22:59:14:726 f50 Check and remove old log files...
22:59:14:742 f50 args: -platform 1 -dcoin sia -wd 1 -r -1 -mport 4028 -allcoins 1
22:59:14:746 f50
22:59:14:766 f50 º Claymore's Dual GPU Miner - v11.5 º
22:59:14:770 f50 º ETH + DCR/SIA/LBC/PASC/BLAKE2S/KECCAK º
22:59:14:770 f50
22:59:14:774 f50 b541
22:59:20:005 f50 ETH: 1 pool is specified
22:59:20:005 f50 Main Ethereum pool is us-east.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:17020
22:59:20:009 f50 SC: 1 pool is specified
22:59:20:009 f50 Main Siacoin pool is hub.miningpoolhub.com:17022
22:59:20:669 f50 OpenCL platform: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
22:59:20:673 f50 OpenCL initializing...
22:59:20:673 f50 AMD Cards available: 3
22:59:20:677 f50 GPU #0: gfx900 (Radeon RX Vega), 8176 MB available, 56 compute units (pci bus 3:0:0)
22:59:20:677 f50 GPU #0 recognized as Vega
22:59:20:677 f50 GPU #1: gfx900 (Radeon RX Vega), 8176 MB available, 64 compute units (pci bus 8:0:0)
22:59:20:681 f50 GPU #1 recognized as Vega
22:59:20:681 f50 GPU #2: gfx901 (Radeon Vega Frontier Edition), 16368 MB available, 64 compute units (pci bus 12:0:0)
22:59:20:681 f50 GPU #2 recognized as Vega
22:59:20:685 f50 POOL/SOLO version
22:59:20:685 f50 Platform: Windows
22:59:20:825 f50 start building OpenCL program for GPU 0...
22:59:21:173 f50 done
22:59:21:380 f50 start building OpenCL program for GPU 1...
22:59:21:726 f50 done
22:59:21:931 f50 start building OpenCL program for GPU 2...
22:59:22:290 f50 done
22:59:22:550 f50 GPU #0: algorithm ASM 1
22:59:22:606 f50 GPU #1: algorithm ASM 1
22:59:22:686 f50 GPU #2: algorithm ASM 1
22:59:22:686 f50 Total cards: 3
22:59:25:171 f50 No NVIDIA cards in the list, NVML library will not be used.
22:59:26:127 f50 SSL: Imported 35 certificates from local storage
22:59:26:203 684 ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'us-east.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com' <> port 17020 (unsecure)
22:59:26:235 f50 ETH: miner-proxy stratum mode
22:59:26:239 f50 "-allcoins" option is set, default pools will be used for devfee, check "Readme" file for details.
22:59:26:239 f50 Watchdog enabled
22:59:26:243 f50 Remote management is enabled on port 4028
22:59:26:267 f50
22:59:26:335 608 SC: Stratum - connecting to 'hub.miningpoolhub.com' <> port 17022 (unsecure)
22:59:26:511 684 sent: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": []}
22:59:26:511 684 sent: {"id": 5, "method": "mining.extranonce.subscribe", "params": []}
22:59:26:515 684 sent: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["workername","x"]}
22:59:26:515 684 ETH: Stratum - Connected (us-east.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:17020) (unsecure)
22:59:26:575 608 sent: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": []}
22:59:26:579 608 sent: {"id": 5, "method": "mining.extranonce.subscribe", "params": []}
22:59:26:579 608 sent: {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["workername","x"]}
22:59:26:583 608 SC: Stratum - Connected (hub.miningpoolhub.com:17022) (unsecure)
22:59:26:719 684 buf: {"id":1,"result":[[["mining.set_difficulty","deadbeefcafebabee106010000000000"],["mining.notify","deadbeefcafebabee106010000000000"]],"5fff463c",4],"error":null}
22:59:26:823 608 buf: {"id":1,"result":[[["mining.set_difficulty","deadbeefcafebabe0219000000000000"],["mining.notify","deadbeefcafebabe0219000000000000"]],"78001851",4],"error":null}
22:59:27:075 608 buf: {"id":2,"result":true,"error":null}
22:59:27:075 608 SC: Authorized
22:59:27:079 608 remove first packet 294
22:59:27:535 684 buf: {"id":2,"result":true,"error":null}
22:59:27:535 684 ETH: Authorized
22:59:27:767 684 buf: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["3b98","0xba5b45c57a092885bcbdf57b2d600a4623c94805dc8d528cfe947e55b573baea","0x40910b6ac043b9a4c8a3a5100b00efcc1d90c39643cc754f24bf544c3e29c01c","0x00000000ffb34c02420e9948eacd78cf33b059a88ade1ff0614f7f3c303cf3a7",true]}
22:59:27:795 1424 Setting DAG epoch #178...
22:59:27:995 684 buf: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["3b99","0x686c034a371efdc8592b05c547b4542d135447a1ad10ae9b27d0919deef7d1af","0x40910b6ac043b9a4c8a3a5100b00efcc1d90c39643cc754f24bf544c3e29c01c","0x00000000ffb34c02420e9948eacd78cf33b059a88ade1ff0614f7f3c303cf3a7",true]}
22:59:27:999 684 ETH: 04/02/18-22:59:27 - New job from us-east.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:17020
22:59:27:999 684 target: 0x00000000ffb34c02 (diff: 4300MH), epoch 178(2.39GB)
22:59:27:999 684 ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
22:59:28:007 684 ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s
22:59:28:011 684 SC - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
22:59:28:015 684 SC: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s
*EDIT* I disabled Claymore Dual Eth v11.5 on Awesome miner for the time being, rest of the mining programs auto-selected for AMD profile works fine. But I won't be able to mine any ETH